Page 47 of Dominium

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“Okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, sure, Kellan can get my apartment. I’m never there. Seriously. Like, never. I’m here all the fucking time.”

“I can’t afford your apartment,” Kellan says, looking at his shoes. “Working as a mechanic doesn’t make me enough to afford a place in that part of town.”

“He can’t afford it,” Shelby says with a quivering lip. “Fix it more.”

“Oeh, babe!” Meggy squeals. “What if I move in with you? There’s a seperate room there, right?” she asks Dean, who quickly nods. “Then I have my own space to be overly dramatic. We can afford that if we both pay rent.”

Shelby gets up, beaming, and walks over to me and starts hugging me. It’s a little awkward, because her belly is in the way and somehow babybumps freak me out, but I’m not going anywhere. She’s holding me too tight. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“What did I do?” I ask in confusion.

“Your sleeping around is making sure Kellan has a place to sleep. You’re my favorite person ever.”

“Euh, thanks?” Stan says, earning him a round of laughter.

And that’s that. Just like that, Dean is moving in, Kellan and Meggy are going to be living together and Game Night is about to start.

We play round after round of Cards against Humanity and laugh our asses off every chance we get. Put a room full of people with the same sick sense of humor and you’ve got yourself a great night. The evening makes me feel very normal for the first time in a long time. That’s when I’m not looking at the specifics too hard that is. We all make sure everyone’s glasses stay full, and Dean makes sure we’re being fed.

Dean walks in, his eyes wide, his face a little pale. I immediately think something is wrong, this can’t be good right?

O notices as well. “What’s up?”

“I just caught my sister getting frisky with her husband in the hallway,” he says as he sits himself down at the table again.

I scoff. “So?”

“She’s pregnant! That’s not a good time to start getting frisky!”

“How do you reckon she got pregnant?” Jonah asks, wiggling his brows suggestively.

“Besides, she’s reached the phase of pregnancy where she’s horny all the time,” Meggy adds as she curls herself up in Kellan’s lap.

“So if that’s their excuse, what’s your excuse for going down on my brother in the kitchen just now?” Jonah asks her. She has the decency to turn red.

“Caught that, now did you?” Kellan smirks.

Jonah doesn’t seem to feel the same shame Dean is experiencing at the moment. He’s still pale as a ghost and the whole situation is making me giggle. Something about Game Night seems to make people sneak out and have sexual encounters with each other.

“It’s something about this house man,” he mumbles to nobody in particular. “Something about this house is turning people in sexual deviants.”

“Right,” Gil answers as he starts dividing the cards for another round. “It’s the house. If anything, it probably has more to do with all the pheromones you’re spreading around yourself.”

“Nah,” Dean grumpily says. “It’s got to be the house.”

I get up from my chair and plant myself in his lap, giving him a kiss beneath his ear. “Yeah, absolutely the house making me do this. We’re on next week’s episode of Haunted Mansions. The story about the house that made people get frisky.”

That earns me a round of giggles.

“What’s taking my sister so long by the way?” Dean asks as he lays a hand on the inside of my thigh.

“She’s probably just finishing up,” O answers with a straight face.

“God no, I don’t need to hear that shit,” Dean says as he tries to bury his face on my back.

It’s just me and the boys in the house now that all the others have left. Shelby was too tired and wanted to go home, and I think Meggy just wanted to get Kellan in bed, so they left too. It’s still early, and I liked the fun we had during Game Night, so I want to keep that going.

Tags: Kris Vanc Erotic