Page 46 of Dominium

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The table is filled with all kinds of snacks. I’m proud to say I helped with filling it. We’re not focussing on the part where I simply put some snacks from their package in some bowls and then put them out. Dean actually put work into some snacks and I’m absolutely taking credit for his work.

Now that we’re a couple, I totally get to do that. It’s the law.

We’re hosting Game Night and have extended invitations to Kellan and Meggy and Dean’s sister and her husband. It’s like we’re actually functioning in grown up couples world. Gil scored a set of Cards against Humanity and splurged on some of the extension sets.

Shelby and Stan arrive first, and every time I see Shelby she seems to be getting bigger. The idea of her actually having a little baby inside of her freaks me out. I’m barely able to keep my plants alive, let alone take care of a kid.

I hug them both and take them to the kitchen, where I make Jonah pour them drinks, because that’s the kind of host I am. Besides, he willingly gives people drinks for a living. If Shelby and Stan need me to write them a line of text, I’m their girl.

They sit down and Shelby attacks the snacks like she’s been on a deserted island for months and is starving.

“Didn’t I just make you an after diner snack?” Dean asks as he eyes his sister.

“Yeah, but I’m eating for two.”

“You know that reasoning stops when you pop that baby, right?”

While it’s Dean who says it, Shelby gives Stan an angry glare and he holds his hands up in defense. “It wasn’t even me who said it!” he argues.

Apparently Dean wasn’t the first to point it out to her, and I think both men are extremely stupid and extremely brave. Never tell a pregnant woman her eating habits are wrong. Wait, never tell anyone their eating habits are wrong. Just don’t.

O and Jonah walk into the dining room, having Meggy and Kellan on their tail. Meggy looks a little down on her spirits and Kellan looks downright grumpy. I try to get magical answers from Jonah, but he shrugs so he doesn’t know as well.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Meggy, because she seems like the safest option right now. If looks could kill, Kellan would’ve killed us all by now.

“Kellan’s building is getting evicted. Safety hazard. We can’t find anything new for him to live in and my apartment is too small for the both of us. I mean, we could try, but I think we’d end up killing each other. I at least need a room to hide in when I feel like being dramatic.”

“Your building is getting evicted because of a safety hazard?” Jonah repeats.

“I told you I can only afford something in the bad part of Kinseltown,” Kellan grumps as he sits down and grabs a beer.

“I didn’t know there are places in Kinseltown that are that bad.”

I look up in surprise when I hear a soft sob coming from the other side of the table. Shelby has her head in her hands and is softly crying. I look at all the other people around the table, trying to figure out what’s going on, but I don’t find any answers there.

“What’s wrong?” Gil asks.

“It’s just so sad,” Shelby sobs. “He’s getting evicted and he has nowhere to go, and who’s going to take care of him?”

“Wow, those hormones are really fun,” Jonah says, looking at her with wide eyes.

“Don’t talk about the hormones,” Stan hisses. “Abort mission, abort mission.”

“These are not hormones! Why are none of you outraged that Kellan doesn’t have a home?”

“Why do you care more than Kellan does?” Dean asks.

“Because I’m the only sane one at this table!” she snaps, her tears drying up and changing into anger.

I barely hold back a laugh. I don’t think it’d be wise to let it out right now.

“Oh, calm down, Sis,” Dean says.

“Don’t you tell me to calm down. Fix it!” In the meantime she’s stood up and is pointing a very accusing finger in Dean’s direction, like it’s his fault Kellan is losing his home.

“Okay,” Dean dead-pans as he starts unboxing the Cards against Humanity cards.

Tags: Kris Vanc Erotic