Page 93 of Inked Temptation

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Archer had often mentioned the size of his family, and the joke among the Montgomerys was that they could take over the world.

I thought he’d been exaggerating.

But, as I looked at the cheese table that was currently being devoured as if a plague of locusts had attacked it, only to be refilled again with the secondary cheese selections, I realized he’d been telling the truth.

“They do love their cheese, don’t they?” Lee asked, his voice as awestruck as mine.

“You’ve known these people for years. You should be used to this by now.”

“I’ve known the Fort Collins Montgomerys for years. You add in the other four branches, and then there are other cousins that don’t even live in Colorado, and things get a little insane.”

I slowly turn to Lee, my eyes wide with shock. “There are more of them than this?” I held my hand out, encompassing the over one hundred people in the backyard that had the last name Montgomery, and just shook my head slowly.

“Yes, they are related to Archer and the rest from their dad’s side. Not their mom’s.”

“My God,” I muttered, and Lee just laughed.

“You get used to it. Maybe. I’m figuring it out.”

“I’m sorry I left you alone,” Archer said, nearly panting as he ran across the massive backyard that Benjamin had landscaped to perfection. “Got caught up with one of my uncles.” He pointed over to a man with a big beard and a large laugh. “That is Uncle Harry. He is of the Denver branch.”

“He’s in construction just like your family, right?” I asked. I’m trying to remember everyone.

Archer grinned. “He is. He and my aunt had eight kids.”

My mind boggled. “And then there’s another set, right?”

“Two more sets. Uncle Harry and Aunt Marie had eight kids. Uncle William and Aunt Katherine had four kids, who all live in Colorado Springs. Uncle Tim and Aunt Francine also had four kids up in Boulder. While my parents had five.”

“I can’t keep up,” I said with a laugh.

“You don’t need to. It’s why we have name tags.”

I looked down at my own name tag that said “Killian, property of Archer Montgomery” and blushed. “Property?”

“It’s so that way everyone knows how we’re related.”

Lee tapped his. “I like being property of Paige. It’s kind of nice.”

A woman with dark hair, blunt bangs, and tattooed arms came up to us and beamed. “I like this one,” she said as she looked over at Archer.

“Maya,” Archer sputtered.

She just winked, unrepentant. “Hi, I’m Maya, one of the Denver cousins. We like you, by the way, Killian. And I remember some of your work from a few years ago.”

There was a knowing in her gaze, but she didn’t elaborate. Then I snapped my fingers and pointed at her. “You bought our table.”

“We did.”

“What?” Archer asked, looking between his cousin Maya and me.

“I used to build furniture, remember? Custom furniture.”

“He’s the hot lumberjack that you bought your table from?” Archer asked Maya, who just smiled wickedly.

“And who I said I should set you up with, but you refused to be set up with anyone, and then well, I didn’t realize that you weren’t single at the time.” Maya straightened, her face draining of color as she turned to me. “I am sorry for your loss. I know today’s about joy, but it’s also about life. I hope it’s okay I brought it up at all.”

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance