Page 82 of Inked Temptation

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“Just to say goodbye.”

Archer froze looked up at me. “Oh?”

“I used to go to tell them about my day, to rage, to say I was sorry. And maybe I still will, but today I mostly talked about you.”

I looked up at him then, hoping he could sense what was inside me because I couldn’t say it. The fact that I had said it out loud to my girls was one thing. Saying it to Archer was a completely different thing. And I didn’t know if I was ready yet.

But I would be.

The fact that I even acknowledged it was a step. I just had to hope Archer would be okay with that.

“All good things, I hope. Unless you’re telling them how I like to take over the bed and sleep like a starfish.” He blushed. “Or maybe you don’t tell your daughter that.”

“I have not explained that, but I’m sure they know how much I care about you.”

Archer opened his mouth to say something, then shook his head. “You’re going to make me cry, and I don’t know if I want to cry again.”

“I’ve been doing enough of that for the past few years, even when I don’t want to. I understand.”

“Thank you. For telling me.”

“I told them I would bring you with me next time.” I let out a breath at Archer’s stunned look. “And bring you down to meet my sister and her family.”

“I guess it’s only fair since you’ve met mine, and will meet the rest of them soon.”

“Even if I hadn’t, Archer, I’d want you to meet them. Because you’re important to me.”

“You’re important to me too, Killian.”

We got into bed, each wearing pajama bottoms and soft T-shirts. There would be no sex tonight, maybe in the morning when we woke up, but for now, we were just comfortable. I had work to do on the house in the morning, and Archer had work to do at the house next door, hence why he was spending the night again even if we weren’t doing more than sleeping.

But this was comfortable, and as Cora wiggled her body in between us, I laughed and cuddled my dog and my man and told myself that this was good. We were doing okay.

* * *

When I woke up the next morning, the sun shining in the room, I looked at Archer sleeping softly, his mouth parted slightly, and Cora still between us and snoring louder than either of us.

I laughed, I couldn’t help it, and as I kept laughing I shook the bed slightly, waking Archer up.

“I don’t know. I think you may snore louder than her.”

I froze and glared at him.

“You’re lucky I love you, Montgomery. Those are fighting words.”

Archer’s eyes widened, but I didn’t mind. I hadn’t known how I was going to tell him, how I should, but I knew Archer was holding back. I could tell. Of course, I could tell. So I had to be the one to say it first. It was only right. And, fuck, I wanted to.

“Oh. Well, same then. You’re lucky I love you, too.”

Cora wiggled between us as she stood up and began to pace around the bottom of the bed, and I used that moment to lean forward and kiss Archer gently on the mouth, and then a little harder.

“It’s a little early, but I guess we can get ready for the day.”

“I hope so. I have a couple of meetings, and I want to go to the storage unit and get more of my stuff.”

“Stuff from the other house? From up north?”

I nodded as we both stretched and watched Cora pace. I figured I needed to take her out soon.

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance