Page 37 of Inked Temptation

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“I still find it weird not to have the babies with me,” Annabelle said as she sank onto the couch, her glass of wine sloshing slightly in the over-large cup.

I grinned as I looked at it, remembering the look on her face when I had bought them for her and Paige. There had been a Crate & Barrel sale, and I hadn’t been able to help myself. Those goblets were about the size of my head, and every time they used them when I was at one of their places, it made me smile.

And after having to come here when I hadn’t been in the mood because of a certain growly lumberjack guy, I needed the smile.

“That’s what I was just saying,” Paige said as she sipped her rosé. She practically had to put her whole face into the glass to get some, and I just snorted.

“You miss Emery then?” I asked, taking a sip of my water. I had plans to go look over the work that my team had done on the house today, so I wasn’t going to drink. Plus, drowning my sorrows in alcohol probably wasn’t the best idea. At least not today.

“Emery’s with her daddy. So it’s not like she’s with a babysitter or anything. Lee is perfectly able to father his own child.”

I just rolled my eyes as Annabelle grinned. “Jacob is with Hailey and Jack now. Of course, I may be holding myself back from checking the baby cam just to see what they’re doing.”

It didn’t matter that Hailey and Jack were over two at this point, and Jacob had the kids many times during the week when Annabelle was out onsite and didn’t want to leave them at the Montgomery daycare. Annabelle still had issues with not having her kids at her side at all times. I didn’t blame her, since the twins were freaking adorable.

Benjamin and Brenna were the same way with Rafael, and Beckett and Eliza were that way with Lexington. I had the feeling that more babies would be added to the family, which would stress them more out about leaving them, sooner rather than later. I didn’t know when my siblings were going to start trying again, but considering half of them hadn’t tried the first time and they’d ended up parents, it could be any day now. I also knew that Beckett and Eliza were working hard on the adoption process for their next child, and I was excited for them.

The Montgomerys were growing day by day, and as I thought about the work that I had to do with the reunion, it just reminded me of the fact that, yes, there were way more Montgomerys out there than most people even knew.

“Okay, we need to stop talking about our kids,” Annabelle said as she rolled her eyes. “Or work. Or cheese.”

“What else is there?” I asked, my mouth dropping open. “Seriously. Why would you bring cheese into the conversation?”

Annabelle set her wine glass down and let out a sigh. “Because I think I have to stop eating cheese.” Her voice broke, and while I knew she was overexaggerating, the shock made me nearly drop my glass.

“Cheese? You have to give up cheese?”

“Why? Is it your blood pressure? I know we eat a lot of vegetables and things, too, but I guess cheese isn’t good for you.”

Annabelle laughed. “Okay, you both need to stop this. Don’t put down cheese.”

The Montgomerys were addicted to cheese. We were practically born eating it. One did not take away a Montgomery’s cheese.

“I’m having problems with my rosacea. And every time that I indulge in cheese, along with something else I have an allergic reaction to, I’m having issues. Not lactose issues,” she cautioned, and I winced. “But skin issues. And it’s not getting any better. It’s getting worse. To the point that my meds aren’t working.” She pointed to a slightly raised area between her brows. “I’ve covered this up with makeup, which is not helping it, but every night now I have to do a cold compress on my face if I eat a lot of cheese. I think it’s time to give it up.”

I just blinked at her, then stood up quickly before sitting back down on the couch next to her and holding my twin close. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Is there a dairy-free cheese we could have?” I asked, shuddering at the thought.

Paige leaned forward. “We can find something. Is it all dairy? Or just cheese?”

“I already quit drinking regular milk long ago. Lactose-free milk is the way for me. That, or oat milk. But I think it’s time for me to go to dairy-free butter too.”

“A moment of silence for the lack of Montgomery cheese in your life.” I met Paige’s eyes over Annabelle’s head, and she winced.

“What?” I asked.

“Isn’t that usually hereditary?” she practically whispered, and I shuddered.

“Dear God. And we’re twins.”

Annabelle shoved at me, even as she laughed. “It’s fine. Once you stop eating it every week, you get over some of the withdrawals.”

“I don’t even know how to look at you right now,” I teased as my phone rang.

I looked down at the screen and froze.

Tags: Carrie Ann Ryan Romance