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“...With Tschenkar? Is that what you two talked about?”

“My seed is still warm in you,” he said.

I nodded.

“Would you want Tschenkar’s inside you too?”

I met his eyes. My face flushed. I was frozen by a perfectly confusing mix of emotions. Guilt. Embarrassment. Desire.

I stared at Thuliak. His face was unreadable. Was this some kind of trap? I reminded myself that I wouldn’t lie to him.

“I think I would like it,” I whispered.

The wall opened, and the music of Tschenkar’s laughter filled the room as he strided forward, his cock fully erect, and his purple eyes burning with uncontrollable lust.

“The Seeding works best if mine is still warm,” Thuliak said, stepping back from me. “Your first time with Tschenkar will be together with me. If you change your mind about any of this before he’s spilled his seed in you, say the word and it ends. Understood?”

“I…I…” I was stammering. I was impossibly confused. Thuliak’s cum was dripping out of me, but still warm inside me, and now a second man’s erect cock was already dripping some cum out of the tip, waiting to pump another hot load into me. And Thuliak was going to…

“You’re just going to watch?” I asked.

“That’s up to you,” Tschenkar said. “As far as I’m concerned, Thuliak can do whatever he’d like to you as long as I get to pump you good and full.”

“Wait…” I whispered, looking at each of them in turn. “It’s possible to have sex with…with two men at once? And don’t you two hate each other.”

They both growled and eyed each other. Thuliak spoke for them. “We do. But we respect each other’s strengths. We want what’s best for you and the baby, and you want both of us, and we both want a baby. We will make this work.”

“I want a baby too,” I whispered. I almost saidwith both of you, but Tschenkar wasn’t really with me yet. He was still a possibility. It was like Thuliak said, I could back out of it still if I didn’t want him. If I didn’t want him to become part of what I had with Thuliak.

But Tschenkar laughed, and his laugh reminded me that I never wanted to go without hearing that laugh. I wanted him to give that laugh to our baby, so I could hear it even when Tschenkar wasn’t there. I wanted our kid to have Tschenkar’s laugh, Thuliak’s resolve, and my…well, I wanted the baby to be a little bit more human. A little bit less aggressive and competitive. Or maybe I just wanted it to be a girl.

“How many do you think she will give us?” Thuliak asked.

“Three,” Tschenkar said.

“You insult her!” Thuliak roared. “No less than four!”

I stared at both of them, laughing nervously. “Um, did you two plan this?”

“Plan what?”

“The joke? Four? That isn’t even possible, right?”

They both grinned at me.

Tschenkar scoffed. “You didn’t tell her fucking anything about how this works?”

“I may have forgotten to mention,” Thuliak said.


“Breeding with two Khetar,” Thuliak said, “you will have no less than two children. With two scions? Four is possibly optimistic, but still likely.”

I had my hand over my mouth. I’d been still trying to get my head around the idea of havingonealien baby. Butfour?

Tschenkar shook his head. “You didn’t tell her about the part where she fucks off with me then, did you?”

“What?” I asked. “Thuliak?”

“We’ll both take you at once tonight,” Thuliak said, “but then Tschenkar will have you until you are with children. Which,” he said, glaring at Tschenkar, “should not take long. Provided his seed is strong.”

“Oh,” Tschenkar said, laughing, “It won’t be but a few days. The Hivemind can tell us the moment those babies are starting to grow.” He glared back at Thuliak. “All fourof them.”

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Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction