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“No,” Tschenkar said, shaking his head. “Not yet at least. They’re still a ways out.”

I slid out of Thuliak’s grip. He let go, though I sensed his reluctance. I took a step forward so I was in the middle of the two of them. It’s not that I wanted to leave Thuliak’s arms, just that I figured if I was right in between them they were less likely to try to kill each other. “Okay…can’t you just fly out there and blow them all up?”

“It will be trivial,” Thuliak said. “Spend no time thinking about it.”

“He doesn’t trust you to think for yourself,” Tschenkar said. “He’s like the big mean men your High Command warned you about, the ones who want to tell you what to think and how to act.”

“I am not doing that!” Thuliak boomed. He took a big step toward Tschenkar, but stopped when I moved in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re taking his side?”

“No!” I shouted. “I’m taking the side of you two not trying to kill each other.”

“I would win,” Thuliak said. “So you don’t want me to kill him. You’re protecting him.”

“I would win,” Tschenkar said, raising an eyebrow. He tilted his head nearly 90 degrees, and his neck cracked. He rotated all the way in the other direction, and it cracked again. “Let’s see who would win then?”

“No!” I said, holding a hand up in both directions. “Let’s not. Let’s get back to Eden. Tschenkar, I’m going with Thuliak. You tried to kidnap me, and…”

“This is for the scions to discuss, Love,” Tschenkar said.

I scoffed, looking up at Thuliak and expecting him to be equally annoyed at Tschenkar’s patriarchal sentiment. Instead, Thuliak gave me a condescending smile.

“Seriously? It’s for the men to decide? You agree with that, Thuliak?”

“You let him lick you, Airlock,” he said. “I must discuss matters with him. In private.”

“No,” I started to say, but the ceiling melted down in front of me, forming a wall where there had been none, and it hardened before I could get a word out. By the time I thought to hit it, it was hard as metal. And very soundproof.

The couch I’d sat on with Tschenkar was still on my side of the wall, but I didn’t want to sit down on it. I stood there and simmered, but eventually standing there felt stupid enough that I sat down. I started yawning, and then I laid down.

I never like telling people my dreams, and I never even really like to give my dreams much thought. I didn’t sleep well though, and I went in and out of sleep. Every time I woke up, the dream was the same, and my memory of it lingered as I fell back into sleep. I dreamt that I was with Thuliak. I’d bend over and he’d slide into me from behind, but then when I looked back, he was Tschenkar. He laughed as he fucked me, and it was the most beautiful and complete feeling in the world. Then he’d lean down to kiss me, and he’d be Thuliak again, and the completeness became even more complete.

When the real Thuliak laid down next to me, I knew at once that it wasn’t a dream anymore. He was much more solid and warmer than his dream version, and most importantly I was alone with him. Tschenkar was nowhere to be seen.

A lot of time must have passed—I likely slept a full night’s worth of time—becuase Thuliak’s body was almost completely healed, and he’d washed all the blood off of himself as well.

We didn’t speak with words, instead we spoke with our bodies. He touched me and told me he’d missed me, that his hands and tongue had craved me. I answered with my own touches, licks, and gasps. I’d missed him even more.

I was painfully wet before he even ripped my clothes off, and once he touched between my legs, I threw myself on top of him. We both held our breath as we tried to get it in, and we exhaled only when his thick teal cock was sliding up inside me.

We gasped, and I rode him. I bucked my hips and arched my back. I dug my nails into his solid chest. His calloused hands gripped me with a possessive and authoritative grip. They slid down and squeezed my ass as he slid up into me so deep that the only part of his cock that was still visible was his balls.

By the time we started to cum, he’d pulled me up so I was sitting on top of him, our foreheads pressed together. We moved together as we came. He bit my lip when my entire body quivered, and I bit his lip back as his seed spilled warm and thick inside me. When his cum spilled out of me and began to drip down my leg, I pressed my lip against his neck and inhaled through my nose, letting the smell of him fill me up.

“You are loyal to me, Airlock,” he said. It was the first thing he’d said since he’d come back from discussing things with Tschenkar.

I nodded. “Is cheating when you have sex with someone who you aren’t supposed to?”

He touched my chin and nodded slowly. “That’s right. In most human societies, relationships are monogamous. Any sex which happens with a third person…would be cheating.”

“Is it illegal?” I asked.

He shook his head and cupped my soaking wet pussy. His finger stroked my clit ever so gently. I closed my eyes and smiled.

“Not usually,” he said, “but it can destroy a relationship.”

“Did I…when I let Tschenkar lick me—”

“No,” he said, “you must breed with another so we can have a child, Airlock, you will have to do this. Ineedyou to do this, do you understand?”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction