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“It’s not so bad, right, Love?”

Tschenkar sat down next to me on the sofa. He sat close to me. It was close enough to feel like he was in my personal space—much closer than any woman would sit next to me—but not close enough that it felt he was violating me.

Still, I slid away from him to create some extra space between us.

“I don’t understand why Thuliak’s men just let us go.”

Tschenkar laughed. “The thing with scions, Love, is that packs are fucking dumb without them. You put all that power and authority into one set of cock and balls, and then you build everything up around that, what do you think happens when there’s no cock and balls left?”

“How do you think your ship is running right now then? Without your…cock and balls in it.”

“My cock and balls are needed here, Love,” he said, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and slid even further away. “Thuliak is probably going to kill you when he catches us.”

He laughed. “Thuliak is off on Eden. He’s kililng helpless little human men for his own bloody glory. I’m the only one thinking about you right now, Eve, and I’m not just thinking about you because I’m kidnapping you.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel good?”

He shrugged. “I just say whatever the fuck I’m thinking at any given time. That’s how I roll, Love. I don’t calculate or try to say things that I think you want to hear. I’ll always be straight with you.”

“Thanks for calling me ‘Eve.’”

He raised an eyebrow and bit his lip. His face was too perfect. I tried to treat it like the sun and only glance at it for a moment or two at a time, but when he got that cocksure, confident look on his face, it was so hard not to stare.

I tore my eyes away and looked down at my feet. I was wearing lacquer-red shoes from some bygone era. I’d taken to wearing clothes from all of human history, picking an era or fashion that suited me for any given day. I think these shoes were from the early 20th century, or maybe it was a bit later? The bright red looked like the—

“I like your shoes,” he said.

“I was staring at them, wasn’t I?”

He nodded. “That bright red looks really good on thatvirginwhite,” he said, pointing to my dress.”

I glared at him. “I thought you just said whatever the fuck you wanted?”

He cocked his head at me. “What?”

“Stop trying to beat around the bush. Just ask me.”

“Ask you what? Ask you if you’re a virgin?” he said, laughing. It was the first time his laughter didn’t make my heart sing, because I was pissed off at him enough to offset it.

“Stop acting like you know me. You don’t. You just kidnapped me, dickhead.”

Dickhead was an insult I’d found in the Lexikon. I wanted to start talking like someone not from Eden. I had a feeling that Eden was soon going to make contact again with the rest of humanity, and as the…wife…of a scion, I din’t want to sound like some confused backwater yokel who didn’t know the way everyone else talked. I didn’t want to call my pussy my “kitten,” for example.

“You were with a scion for over a week. If you’re still a virgin, Love, then all I have to do is tell Thuliak’s pack, and they’ll mutiny! A scion who doesn’t fuck his woman is no scion.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Does that mean…”

He grinned. “I’m taking you toHarbinger.I’m not going to hide you. My pack is going to know you’re there.”

“So they’ll mutiny then. When I don’t fuck you.”

“They would mutiny,” he said, “if you didn’t.”

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction