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I’m 85% sure. Further calculation would take long enough that we would no longer have the option of an intercept.

“Go,” I said. “Intercept it. Now.”

If it wasn’t him, I could use that shuttle to get back toWrath. If I went straight to Wrath and waited until I was back on the bridge to go after the shuttle, it could be too late. He might escape with Airlock.

“Did you tellWrathto fucking stop the shuttle?

We have no comms, we’ve shed all excess mass, scion.The Beacon to Eriok was all we had.

I growled at it, for all the good that did.

“Intercept,” I said. “Now.”

It would use up every last gram of mass to reconfigure the suit for grappling tethers. There would be no life support after that, so I’d get one shot, and I’d have to hold my breath until I was aboard the shuttle.

If this worked, I was going to be a legend. I thought I’d care about that, but as I waited for the suit to mist up some tethers, I realized that the only thing which truly mattered to me was getting Airlock back. Being a legend meant nothing next to that.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction