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Isat in the command room with my inner circle. They weren’t the strongest or the most capable, but they were the ones I trusted the most.

It was critical that I kept my head in the game right now, as the future of our progeny depended on these moments. Still, Airlock’s scent lingered on my nose. I could still taste her intense femininity on my tongue. I could still hear her screaming and breathing heavy into my ear, and the places where she’d scratched my back still itched and tingled in the best possible way.

I wanted to just be in that bed with her, with my cock deep inside her soaking wet pussy. I wanted her cumming all over me. I didn’t want to be here, but a scion didn’t get to do what he wanted to do. To lead meant to be responsible and to delay gratification, though delaying gratification hadneverbeen as difficult as it was with Airlock.

“Here’s the feed from Eden,” Garuk said, projecting a screen into the air in front of our table.

We’d sent down billions of little machines, controlled primarily by the Hivemind, which acted as surveillance. FromWrath, I could pull up a screen and seeanywhereon the surface of Eden. Garuk was showing us a scene from one of Eden’s largest cities: Ginsburg.

The screens throughout the city were all shut off. Completely black. High Command had pulled the plug. The networked computers were all shut off as well, because my broadcasts had used these screens and computers to show images of Khetar from my packship. Naked Khetar, with fully erect cocks, sometimes glistening with precum. Their muscles had been bulging, and their eyes had looked directly at the screens, as if making direct eye contact with all the women staring at them, tainting them by the thousands.

Women were rioting. They filled the streets, screaming and holding signs made of primitive paper and wood—because all higher technology had been shut off by High Command.

Armored women with non-lethal crowd control weaponry such as electric prods, gas launchers, and energy field projectors stood shoulder-to-shoulder, holding the rioting women at bay.

“Project one right there,” I said, pointing at the space in the air between the clashing groups of women.

Garuk nodded, and he ordered the swarms of machines to form a floating three-dimensional scene.

Soon a holographic image of a man who could have been from my pack stood as if he were over 20 meters tall, right on the street between the rioting women and High Command’s peacekeepers. The man’s cock was hard as diamonds and fully erect. Its teal skin pulsed and throbbed, thick with veins and ready to burst. Because the Khetar hologram itself stood 20 meters tall, his cock wasat leasta meter long.

“Eye contact,” I said.

Garuk nodded, and the holographic man’s teal eyes swept across the groups. He worked to make direct eye contact with as many of the women on the street as possible.

“Zoom in on the peacekeepers’ faces,” I ordered.

The image zoomed in, and I could clearly see three women’s facial expressions—behind their clear riot masks—as the holographic man began to stroke himself. Their jaws dropped open. Two of the women lost their grips on their weapons, letting them crash to the street. The third woman still held a gas launcher in her right hand, but her left hand moved absently toward her chest, and she began to squeeze her breast even through her thick body armor.

Taykar, another of my inner-circle, laughed hard enough to fill the room. “These virgins are hopeless! We are the luckiest pack in the history of the galaxy!”

“I don’t believe in luck,” I whispered.

Garuk shook his head. “It’s too easy. We should be slaughtering their men, beating them down into submission. With respect, Thuliak, will such an easy Seeding not make our progeny too soft?”

“There will be different challenges on the Virgin Planet,” I said, “challenges that even the Hivemind may not have prepared us for.”

“Was it challenging,” Taykar said, “with your human?”

I glared at him. “It went smoothly.”

“You see?” he said, “it’s too easy.”

“Eriok should be here soon,” I said, “he will be Second. I’ll give him either Weapons Sojourner or Emissary Eve. We’ll need to discuss that. Things are noteasy, and we will not let our guard down. Tschenkar has vowed revenge on me, and westilldon’t know where he’s hiding.”

I looked over at Yifar, who had kept quiet until now.

“We’re working on finding him,” Yifar said. “There’s a lot of little rocks to hide behind in this system. And speaking of, if you’re concerned that this Seeding will be too easy, Garuk, there’s another problem I’m keeping eyes on.”

I perked up at that. It’s not that Iwantedthings to be difficult, but Khetar were conditioned to fight. To become First in a breeding swarm without even having to kill anyone felt like an unearned victory. I could get over it because I had Airlock. Any time I was itching to fight, I could just work on breeding her instead. No one else in the pack had that option yet, andanyexcuse I could give for them to fight something would be a welcome distraction.

“Go on, Yifar,” I said.

The screen showing Ginsburg slid to the side, but didn’t turn off. The peacekeepers were throwing down their weapons. The hologram was starting to cum. Thick ropes of holographic cum blasted across the street. It looked extremely realistic as it coated buildings and windows,though when woman tried to touch or lick it, their fingers and tongues passed right through.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction