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Weapons and Emissary both blushed.

“Yeah,” I said, “but, uh, it’s worth it.”

“Was it like with an orgasm therapist?” Weapons asked.

I shook my head. “No. Nothing like that. Neither of you have ever had a real orgasm, trust me. It’s…” I shook my head. “There’s no going back. I’m well and truly tainted now. I’d kill myself before having to go back to those monthly sessions.”

“So we made the right decision,” Weapons said.

“Or they’re using sex as a way to get us to do whatever they want,” Emissary said, “just like on Earth.”

“The sex wasn’t that good on Earth,” I said.

“Of course he’d say that,” Weapons said, taking a big swig of coffee.

I bit my lip. They weren’t going to understand it until they’d had sex. Still, I owed it to them to try to explain.

“If the sex with human men were so good,” I said, “do you really think that we ever could have managed to leave and found Eden?”

“We had strong women,” Emissary said.

“Are we not strong women? Hardened by generations of abstinence? Shouldn’t we be even stronger now?”

They both looked down into their plates. Weapons looked back up after a few moments. “We aren’t stronger than the founders of Eden. They knew what we were leaving. That took more ovaries than having High Command protect us.””

“Maybe,” I said, “or maybe human men just weren’t very good at fucking, and it wasn’t especially hard to leave them behind?”

Emissary frowned. “So you’re saying this Khetar’s miracle cock is so good that no woman couldeverresist it?”

I nodded. “Exactly. But it wasn’t just his cock. It was his fingers, and his tongue. It was the way those burning teal eyes looked into mine while he was inside me, and it was the way he growled when his big, hard hands took possessive hold of me. It’s the way he chokes me—”

Weapons Sojourner stood from her chair so fast that it fell over backward. She slammed her hand down on the table. “Hechokedyou?”

I blushed and nodded. “He did…but it was good. I liked it. A lot.”

Emissary shook her head. “No. This Hive Mind thing. It must have brainwashed you. He’s hurting you, Airlock.”

“It’s not like that,” I whispered. “I hurt him too.” I looked down at my nails, which I’d washed all the blood off of. “But hurting someone is different when you’re fucking. When it felt really good, it was like…I just kind of dug my nails into him. I pushed them in as hard as I could, and I’m sure it hurt, but we were both making each other feel so good that the pain ended up being good. When he choked me it was like, it felt good to be vulnerable, to have my life in his big strong hands. If he wanted to really hurt me, he could have, but he didn’t.” I swallowed and forced a smile even as they both stared at me with their jaws wide open. “That’s why it felt good.”

They gave each other skeptical looks. I thought one of them would press the argument and keep trying to tell me I was brainwashed, but instead I saw it on both of their faces: They wanted a big alien man with a huge cock to choke their little throats too. They wanted to dig their nails into a scion’s back until he bled. They wanted it, but they didn’t want to admit it.

I decided I wanted to tell them everything. Every little detail. Let them know what they were about to get themselves into. “Let me tell you two about the g-spot,” I said.

Tags: Aya Morningstar Seeding Eden Science Fiction