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“If I could have found a way to bring you back immediately, I would have. But my newly formed relationship with Queen Marison was too tenuous to ask her for that sort of favor.” He pauses. “I know you’re angry, and I suppose on some level you’re justified, but once you take a few days to think about it, you’ll realize that what I did last night benefits you more than anyone.

“The princess has taken a liking to you. Even after she returns to Auvenridge to take the throne, she’ll likely let you remain here with the theater. This is as close to freedom as I could offer you.”

“I think you should leave,” I say quietly.

“Yes, I’m sure this is a lot to take in,” he says. “But first, I have good news.”

I flinch, well-aware that good news to Lord Cavinder will be disastrous news to me.

“Alaric has returned to Davon. My man saw him walking the castle grounds with his father and brother this morning.”

Slowly, I lift my eyes to his face. “You really do have spies everywhere, don’t you?”

He laughs. “I am guilty of that, yes.”

“Alaric came to visit me last night as soon as he arrived. Apparently, it will take him several days to unlock the curse—perhaps longer.”

“Are you enjoying your bond with Ian?” Lord Cavinder asks snidely. “Why does it seem you’re taking so much joy in the delay?”

“As soon as he releases Sabine, our fates switch. I’d rather be chained to his side than imprison her.”

Lord Cavinder laughs as he stands, preparing to leave. “That’s very noble of you, Alex. I’m sure your father would be proud. Nevertheless, I suggest you ask Alaric to make it quick as we’re leaving for West Faerie in the morning.”

“Who’s leaving in the morning?”

“Ian, Her Royal Highness, you, and myself. That’s why I’ve come—to tell you our itinerary so you can plan accordingly.”

“Why are we returning to West Faerie already?”

“Ian is ready to return home, and he doesn’t intend to leave his property unattended.” Giving me a conspiratorial look, he says, “It seems he’s under the impression you’re a troublesome human, capable of slipping your lead.”

“He signed me over to Sabine,” I say, growing nervous.

“A contract that will be made official as soon as Alaric removes the curse from the princess.” He turns to Phillip. “Let’s give Alex space to get his thoughts in order, shall we?”

The man turns to me, expressionless. He studies me for several seconds before he and Lord Cavinder leave.

* * *

I manageto track down Frederick a few hours later—at Candace’s uncle’s house of all places.

“What are you doing here?” I ask quietly after the maid brings him to the parlor.

“Candace wants to pick pears this afternoon, but Charles has a meeting.”

Incredulous, I ask, “He doesn’t care that you’re spending so much time with his fiancée?”

Frederick rolls his eyes. “He’s nothing if not confident.”

I shake my head, dismissing the strange situation. “Listen, we have a problem. Have you been able to locate the contracts?”

“Not yet,” he says, dropping his voice. “I’m not certain what Father’s done with them. I looked in the safe in the house this morning, but they’re not there. He must have left them in his office.”

“Do you think he’d leave such a thing unattended?”

Frederick purses his lips. “It doesn’t seem likely.”

“We’re leaving for Faerie tomorrow,” I say. “I’ll have Alaric stall for as long as possible, but eventually, he will have to undo the curse. The contracts must be destroyed before he does.”

Tags: Shari L. Tapscott Royal Fae of Rose Briar Woods Fantasy