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Jack watched Mia walk away from him, her silky dress hugging her body in all the right places, its skirt sashaying on her thighs as she walked. Taking a deep breath and gathering up all the self-control he could muster, he turned away and walked towards Emilia.

“Emilia,” he said.

She jumped, spilling her martini on the bar and over her hand, taking a leap back to avoid getting any on her dress. “Jesus H Christ, Jack! You scared me half to death.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at this young, pretty woman swearing like a grumpy old man in a western movie. “I’m sorry,” he said, though even to himself he didn’t sound a bit sorry. “I just wanted to ask if you’d like to dance, but I understand if you say no.”

“Me?” Her eyes widened and then narrowed at comical speed. “Why do you want to dance with me?”

Something about Emilia had him telling himself he’d be better off telling her the truth than making up some bullshit to flatter her ego.

“It’s not completely selfless. If I’m seen dancing with you—or anyone, but I’d rather it be you—then it won’t seem weird that I danced with Mia, which I want to do again at least once tonight.”

“Intriguing. I’m gonna go ahead and assume this was Mia’s idea.” She took an innocent sip of the martini. Her eyes sparkled with mischief when he just gave a nod. “In that case, Mr Sullivan, I’ll be happy to. Come get me when a slow-ish song comes on.”

Slow strains filled the air almost as soon as she finished her sentence, and Jack couldn’t help but grin. He held out a hand, Emilia did a little curtsy, and he led her out onto the dance floor. Couples were filling the tiny space, and Jack saw at least two from the development department that he was sure were sleeping with each other.

“So this isn’t awkward, we should probably leave some space so we can chat,” Emilia said, her face determined.

“Okay.” Jack held her at arm’s length. “What do you want to chat about?”

“Nah, uh. What do you want to chat about?”

“How long have you been working for Mia?”

Emilia didn’t even try to hide her grin. “My whole life.”

Her answer startled him. “What do you mean, your whole life?”

Emilia laughed, obviously enjoying herself. “We’re cousins. I’ve been her assistant in some way or another my whole life. She didn’t tell you?”

“It hasn’t come up, to be honest. So, you know her best then?”

“I do and my answer’s no.”

“I didn’t ask a question.”

“You did, with your eyes. It’s like I can see the cogs working. I’m not giving you any of the 411 on Mia.”

He had to appreciate her loyalty. And it was more intriguing for him to get the “411” from the source herself. Preferably, while she was naked in his arms in the middle of the night after they’d just had sex. God, he was hopeless.

“Okay, so Mia’s off-topic?”

“Not completely, I suppose. We can talk about what you like about her, for example. Or that her favorite food is pineapple.”

Jack couldn’t help but laugh at her feigned innocence. “You’re quite sneaky. But I’m not going to tell you anything I haven’t told Mia herself.”

“Being sneaky is one of my favorite hobbies.” She said it lightly, but the way she was looking at him made him feel like he was under a microscope. If he was another type of man, he might have even squirmed. He was about to make small talk with her when the song ended, and he guided her off the dance floor and back to the bar where they’d started.

“Thank you, Emilia.”

“You’re quite welcome, Jack. Can I give you some advice?”


“I’m just going to pretend you said yes. Don’t fuck this up.”

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance