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Long, red locks clung to her naked shoulder, and I pressed my cheek against the side of her face, cocooning her against me.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured, the words breaking my bones. I never thought I’d ever need to say those words again. Words that once bled out of me every day for months, years, until eventually, my soul dried out, leaving one gaping emptiness inside me. An emptiness Sienna grabbed so unapologetically and filled with a zest for life I hadn’t felt in so fucking long.

Her cries steadily subsided, but for me, it went from a bone-shattering pain to a soul-destroying agony. The longer I stood there, holding her, feeling her naked body tremble against mine as she wept, the harder it became for me to ignore the truth.

I almost lost Sienna today.

And there wasn’t a chance in hell I’d let another person I care about get hurt because of me.

“I’m so sorry, Sienna.”

* * *


I opened my eyes; the sunrise casting shadows around my bedroom. I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept so well, which was strange after everything that happened yesterday. It could have been the sedative, but deep down, I knew it was because of Noah.

Last night I broke down in the shower, and Noah held me so tightly, allowing me to lean onto him, my legs unable to carry the weight of what had happened. He made sure I knew he was there, allowing me to pour out my pain as I sobbed.

He took care of me, lathering the soap over my trembling body, cleaning away every trace of Oakley on my skin. His hands were soft—his touch a tender caress. It was amazing how he could go from a wicked, dominant lover to a gentle and caring man who could make me feel like he had the power to wipe away all my fears. All my pain.

Helping me get dressed, he feathered delicate kisses along my shoulder, his touch so soft, as if he feared I would break. Like a cloak, his presence wrapped around me, and I could feel the calm he exuded soak through my pores. The peace. The protection. He was everything I needed. He wasallI needed. While in his arms, the darkness retreated, and Oakley disappeared. It was just us, and I didn’t want it any other way.

Without saying a single word, he had slipped in behind me on the bed, holding me so tight, as if afraid he’d lose me if he didn’t. So easily, he erased all the ugliness Oakley left behind, filling the gaping wound in my chest with a warmth I never wanted to be without.

Last night was bittersweet, and I thanked God that I had Noah. I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to get through the night if it wasn’t for him.

I stretched out, rolling on my back, trying my best to ignore all the aches that lingered in my bones.

“Hey, you awake?” I turned only to find the bed empty next to me. I sat up on my elbows. “Noah?” The bedroom door was open, and his wet clothes he had hung over the door were gone. “Noah, are you here?”

I got out of bed, but when my feet touched the plush carpet, I noticed the piece of paper placed on my bedside table.

My skin went cold, and my hands trembled as I reached for it.


Me hurting you was inevitable, and I’ll never forgive myself for not stopping it from happening.

I’m sorry.

I’m so fucking sorry.


* * *

Tags: Bella J. Romance