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“Sienna?” I turned to find Silas by the door, holding his phone. And I knew…I fucking knew. Chills slithered down my spine, and I wanted to die. God, I wanted to die. This wasn’t happening. Jesus, this wasn’t happening.

“What is this?” Silas held his phone toward me, and I stared at the picture Oakley had placed on our group chat. The top elite. The group that organized the best parties and basically controlled the entire social scene here in Atherton.

I was still staring at the picture of me, my face toward the camera. Naked. My breasts open and exposed for everyone to see. My back was arched, my chest pushed out. The picture was taken after…after Noah had pulled me up from the sawhorse. The angle of the photograph had Noah’s face hidden in the back, and only his right shoulder and naked thigh could be seen. Even though Noah couldn’t be seen in full view, it was pretty fucking clear exactly what was happening.

I was struggling to swallow the bile that crept up my throat when the picture disappeared from the screen. “He removed it,” I whispered. But there was no relief. There was no reprieve from the fucking nightmare Oakley had thrust me in. The picture might be gone, but something as damaging and humiliating as that wasn’t something that just went away. Whoever saw that picture would forever have that image inside their heads. They’d never be able to look at me and not see that picture.

I clutched my stomach, thinking I was about to get sick.

“Why would Oakley do this?”

I turned to face Spencer. “He feels like I humiliated him by breaking up with him, by believing the rumors about him and Beth. This was his way of getting back at me.”

I choked on a sob, placing my hand on my chest as I sat down on the edge of the bed, staring out blankly in front of me. “He hurt me because I bruised his ego.” I glared at the torn sheets stained with his cum. “And he fucked her in my bed, too.”

“Her?” Silas walked deeper into my bedroom. “Who did he fuck in your bed?”


“So, this morning when she left, she was…in here…doing…” His voice trailed off as he realized what he was about to say out loud. “Who is the guy in the picture?”

My eyes met Spencer’s, a knowing look passing between us. The guy in the picture wasn’t just a guy. It was Noah, and even though Spencer and I knew who the guy was, we were in silent agreement to keep it that way.

“No one you know,” I answered simply, wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand.

“You know what?” Silas slipped his phone into his pants pocket. “I don’t even care who the fuck is in that picture with you. All I care about now…is killing Oakley.”

Tags: Bella J. Romance