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“Excuse me?”

I looked up and into a fuckton of pink and white balloons.

“Can you tell me if this is Sienna Whitlock’s room?”

Instantly my skull prickled with warning, my nostrils flaring as adrenaline trickled through my veins. I stood, trying to see past the goddamn balloons. “Who’s asking?”

“I’m a friend.” He awkwardly maneuvered the balloons out of the way, creepy as fuck eyes peeking through as he held out his hand. “I’m Andrew. Sienna’s friend.”

Like fuck you are.

“Spencer told me she was here.”

I scoffed. “Fucking twins, always making noise when they should keep their goddamn mouths shut.” I squared my shoulders and stepped forward. “What do you want with Sienna?”

Andrew narrowed his eyes. “You’re Noah.”

“And you’re leaving.”

A challenge glinted in his eyes. “You’re the guy who knocked her up and left.”

“And you’re the fucker who seemed more than willing to take my place.”

A slight grin touched the edges of his mouth. “Not my fault you let her slip through your fingers, man.”

Anger burst through my insides, and I wanted to bash his skull against the goddamn wall just as the nurse came walking past, glowering at us.

I inched back, waiting for her to be out of ear’s reach before turning my attention to the piece of shit in front of me. “Stay away from Sienna.”

He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, bringing his face daringly close to mine. “I’ll stay away when she tells me to.”

“She’s telling you—”

“Andrew. There you are.” Spencer stood by the door, glancing between the two of us with suspicion. “What is happening here right now?”

“Nothing.” Andrew shot me a cocky grin. “I was just on my way in to see your sister.”

I grabbed his elbow, wrapping my fingers real fucking tight and leaning in. “If you so much as look at her with a motherfucking twinkle in your eye, I will rip your throat out.”

“Wow. That’s great. Now let go of me.”

I let go of him with a snarl, and had to grit my teeth and ball my fists to keep myself from throwing him out of this goddamn hospital.

Spencer waited for the door to close behind Andrew before turning to me. “What was that?”

“I don’t trust him.”

“You don’t know him.”

“I don’t have to,” I bit out, turning my back on him, pacing.

“Andrew is a good guy, Noah. Don’t be pissed at him for taking an opening with my sister—an opening you left.” Spencer turned and headed back to Sienna’s room.

I rubbed my palms together, my skin prickling with agitation. It was like the universe seemed to think since I was already balls deep in chaos, adding another element likeAn-fucking-drewto the mix would just spice shit up a bit.

“Goddammit.” I cursed, pulling my palms down my face for the hundredth time. Watson had to hurry the fuck up so I could get Sienna the hell out of here.

* * *

Tags: Bella J. Romance