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She’d watched from the sidelines as he continued to have the time of his life with their family and friends. He’d belly laughed with Nick and his dad, flirted with Kalilah and her mother, and played pool with Natalia. She’d made small talk with Max, but he had Chloe in tow again. Chloe’s protective vibe was off putting, and she moved on to her usual suspects. Inside she was completely miserable.

Cayla didn’t just miss the crazy orgasms. She also missed Dex and his food. She couldn’t bring herself to set foot in The Food Lab. In fact, she and her equally unemployed friend were hunched in a booth at BJ’s.

“Unemployed life is comfortable for you, I see.”

Felix laughed. “Yeah. Especially when master negotiator Dex Sinclair arranges for six months’ worth of your salary to be paid in one lump sum.”

Cayla had gotten her check, too, and did a happy dance at the balance. But the sound of Dex’s name made her flinch.

“I saw that. What happened?” Felix queried before taking a long pull of his beer.

“I will tell you because a man’s perspective would be nice.” Cayla unloaded the entire story while Felix’s eyes mimicked saucers.

“Honestly? If I was Dex, I wouldn’t be talking to you either.” Cayla heart sunk, but this was all unfamiliar territory. For one of the first times in her life, she clamped her mouth shut and listened. “You did what you accused him of doing.” Felix took dipped his fry in ketchup and popped it in his mouth. “Dex is a great guy, and I’m not saying that because he got us out of hell with pay. I’m not even saying it on some bro code type of shit. I’m just keeping it one-hundred. Flip the script, Cay. Can you imagine Dex blowing up over bullshit almost every time you talk or doing stuff for him only for him to not appreciate it.”

“I appreciate it,” Cayla retorts.

“Well, you have a fucked-up way of showing it. Look, push all of that to the side. Can you imagine Dex practically telling you that you are not good for anything other than sex because you’re black? It would be on the fucking news. Of course, he cares about you on some level beyond sex! Would you stop your work at a multi-million dollar company to challenge the leadership of your stressed-out fuck buddy? When I ran into him at the office. He asked me to get him on our floor, so he could find and kill whatever was upsetting you. Didn’t he do that?”

Cayla took a long pull of her drink, she needed a distraction from the tears that were trying escape to from in her eyes, and Felix continued his assessment. “Dex appeared and within an hour, he’d fixed everything. He scooped you out of what felt like an impossible situation. What have you done for him? Other than shit on his dream coming true.”

“I did not!” Cayla protested, shocked.

“Did you just tell me that Dex wanted to be a chef for most of his life?”


“And didn’t you just tell me, he just got what I would think is an AMAZING opportunity to be recognized as a celebrity chef. Wouldn’t having his own show lead to sponsors, cookbooks, and personalized Dex Sinclair cookware that his fans could buy in hopes of being just like him? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate realization of your fucking dream?”

Cayla went cold. She was so busy trying to tamp down the hurt of being left behind after being used for sex again, that he didn’t really hear what he was telling her about his life.

“Also, he told you almost as soon as he found out. Meaning you had two months to figure out your future together. If it was just about sex, he wouldn’t have said shit and just packed up and left when it was time. If you want to be with him, you need to try harder. If you don’t, let him go, but you shouldn’t be upset. Hell, you have the freedom to move with him if that’s what you wanted.”

Cayla takes another long drink. “I honestly don’t know what I want.”

“Well, fucking figure it out. Your siblings are married. He’s a permanent part of your life. It’s up to you to figure out the terms. If it helps any, I think you care about him more than you’re willing to accept or his leaving wouldn’t upset you. And I think he cares about you more than you realize.”

“Well, damn, Felix. You’re blunt as hell. You gave your opinion to me straight. No chasers.”

Felix laughed. “That’s a constant you can expect. That’s how you roll with everyone but Dex, apparently.”

Cayla frowned. “That was a low blow, Felix.”

“Maybe, but dinner is still on you.”

Cayla awakened hopeful. She still wasn’t sure if she was ready to throw her goals away for Dex. Nor was she ready to deep dive into herself to determine if her goals were bullshit. She could, however, be nicer to Dex regarding his dream being realized – after getting her shit together for Kalilah’s baby shower. She’d promised to make a bunch of cute little dessert finger foods. They should be easy peasy lemon squeezy. The main ingredient was whipped cream and she found a killer recipe online. While she didn’t spend much time in the kitchen, she was not kitchen illiterate. She grabbed the whipping cream and sugar, her mixer, and a bowl.

With high hopes, she got to work. The first batch was flat; the second was grainy; and the third was too sweet and filled with her tears. Whipped cream was not supposed to be this hard. Thinking fast, she grabbed everything needed for the baby shower and hopped in her car. She had two hours to get this right, or she would look like the lamest sister ever. She took a deep breath and did the best thing she could in this situation.

Her legs wobbled, and she considered turning around a thousand times, but it wasn’t about them right now. Cayla pulled on her big girl panties and knocked like her life depended on it. Dry mouth was not the proper description of how hers felt when a half-naked Dex swung open his door. His blond waves were awry, gray eyes blazed, and his solid, bare chest heaved.

All his irritation focused on her. “It’s for Kalilah’s baby shower,” she blurted. “It starts in two hours.”

Dex didn’t say a word, but he pushed the door open further to allow her entry. She ducked under his arm and dropped the ingredients and pictures onto the table. He swiped the pictures off the table, still not speaking to her and looked over the dessert designs.

“It’s the whipped cream. I can’t get it right. It’s either too watery, sweet, or grainy. I have to make one-hundred of each dessert.” Dex moved around the kitchen like the expert he was, collecting mixing bowls and some of his own ingredients. He placed his bowls in the refrigerator.

Cayla raised her brows at him putting empty bowls in the refrigerator; she was of no authority to question his judgement. Dex disappeared into the back and returned with his toothbrush in his mouth only long enough to add another bowl to the refrigerator.

Tags: Francesca Penn Sinclair Erotic