Page 10 of The Prodigal Twin

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Whit grows serious and shakes his head. “No, you’re not paying to stay here when you were attacked. That doesn’t even make sense.”

“You were attacked?” Moonlight asks, looking at me as if seeing my bruises that I thought I covered up well. I reach up, touching my cheek.

“Yeah, I was, but I’m okay now. Practically brand new. A little skittish sometimes, but I have Coco so I think I can recover.”

“And you think it makes sense for us to just let you get a hotel somewhere with people who are after you?”

“I…” I don’t have anything to say to that.

The room grows quiet again and I look everywhere but Moonlight and Whit, who don’t realize how close they are to each other now, as if they just gravitate towards each other. I want to smile and point it out, but I know that not many people like that. It’s fascinating how people do that without realizing.

“Moulin Rouge?” Whit says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What’s Moulin Rouge?” Moonlight asks.

“It’s…” I try to explain. “You know, it’s just the best movie or play there is. It’s such a beautiful explanation of a tragic love story. Wanting someone and not being able to have them even for a fraction of the time you think you’ll spend with them. It’s beautiful.” I say, lost in my own world.

“But you just said it was tragic?” Moonlight says.

“It has the best numbers. You know The Elephant Love Medley, Come what May, Your song…” I name a few but she just looks at me and without thinking about it, I pull out my cell. I pull up a video of the movie clip, the song Come What May, handing it to her. Ewan McGregor sings it and I shut my eyes, letting the world around me disappear.

As his voice grows louder, I step into the role of Santine, not thinking about much as I sway, thinking about how my lover is telling me he loves me until the end of time, come what may. My heart soars as the chorus comes up and I mouth his part like a person dying for their love.

When Santine’s part begins, I sing, not worrying about anyone seeing or hearing me. I’m on the stage alone with my lover. There’s so much that goes with this song. I want to feel someone love me and shield me from the hurt of my world. That’s the feeling that drives me to sing with all my soul and project my voice the proper way. I don’t stop singing, but I follow every part of the song, every part that Santine is to sing and I incorporate the twirl that I’m supposed to do when I’m singing it. I know the steps without opening my eyes.

“Whoa.” I hear a voice that pulls me out once the song is over.

Blinking, I open my eyes, remembering where I am and clear my throat. “Sorry.” I offer.

“You said you were fucking mediocre.” Whit says. “That is not mediocre.”

“I knew I recognized your voice.” Rowe says. “Holy shit, you’ve got 2 million followers on IG! You’re that genius that graduated from college at 16. Microbiology. I remember somebody at school used you as an example for some shit.” He says, and I hope that’s all he’s uncovered. Please, don’t look any further, Rowe.

“16!” I hear a couple of voices and I take a step back but bump into a body. My body seems to melt into it as if it’s natural.

“16, Everie, you’re a fucking nerd through and through, huh?” Walt’s voice vibrates through my body and his hands land on my shoulders.

Sliding down a bit, I turn facing him. “Everest.” I correct him.

“What?” He looks down, amused by something.

“My name is Everest.”

“But Tucker calls you Everie.”

“Yeah, because he’s Tucker. You can’t call me Everie, Disney.” I say and there’s just something about me glaring at him that seems to make his smile widen.

“Everie, it is, darling.” He winks at me and it makes my body feel like I don’t give it what it needs regularly.

Something in me pushes me closer to him as I glare up at him, but the longer he looks at me, the higher my shoulders go to my ears. I want to shrink. I should’ve left my hair out so I could hide behind that bigness of it. Blinking, I look down at his big booted feet.

“Well, then, that’s settled.” Walt says. “I’m tired and want to just sit back in my bed for a moment. Can you show us where it is?”

I look up at the usage of US in his words and he hasn’t looked down at me to correct himself. While he doesn’t look at me, I check him out. He is really attractive, up close and personal. His eyes are the main thing I want to avoid, but when he’s not looking at me, I’m okay with his face. His hair being pulled back in the low ponytail is something that I like. I’d tell him if I didn’t want to take a step away from him.

Speaking of steps, I take one back and Walt’s gaze deadpans on me. I avoid him by looking everywhere else but him.

“Well, before you show them to their room, I’m going to take my leave.” Tucker says, “my wife is threatening to unleash someone that I don’t particularly get along with on me.”

Tags: Francesca Penn Romance

Read The The Prodigal Twin Page 10 - Read Online Free

Page 10 of The Prodigal Twin

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Whit grows serious and shakes his head. “No, you’re not paying to stay here when you were attacked. That doesn’t even make sense.”

“You were attacked?” Moonlight asks, looking at me as if seeing my bruises that I thought I covered up well. I reach up, touching my cheek.

“Yeah, I was, but I’m okay now. Practically brand new. A little skittish sometimes, but I have Coco so I think I can recover.”

“And you think it makes sense for us to just let you get a hotel somewhere with people who are after you?”

“I…” I don’t have anything to say to that.

The room grows quiet again and I look everywhere but Moonlight and Whit, who don’t realize how close they are to each other now, as if they just gravitate towards each other. I want to smile and point it out, but I know that not many people like that. It’s fascinating how people do that without realizing.

“Moulin Rouge?” Whit says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“What’s Moulin Rouge?” Moonlight asks.

“It’s…” I try to explain. “You know, it’s just the best movie or play there is. It’s such a beautiful explanation of a tragic love story. Wanting someone and not being able to have them even for a fraction of the time you think you’ll spend with them. It’s beautiful.” I say, lost in my own world.

“But you just said it was tragic?” Moonlight says.

“It has the best numbers. You know The Elephant Love Medley, Come what May, Your song…” I name a few but she just looks at me and without thinking about it, I pull out my cell. I pull up a video of the movie clip, the song Come What May, handing it to her. Ewan McGregor sings it and I shut my eyes, letting the world around me disappear.

As his voice grows louder, I step into the role of Santine, not thinking about much as I sway, thinking about how my lover is telling me he loves me until the end of time, come what may. My heart soars as the chorus comes up and I mouth his part like a person dying for their love.

When Santine’s part begins, I sing, not worrying about anyone seeing or hearing me. I’m on the stage alone with my lover. There’s so much that goes with this song. I want to feel someone love me and shield me from the hurt of my world. That’s the feeling that drives me to sing with all my soul and project my voice the proper way. I don’t stop singing, but I follow every part of the song, every part that Santine is to sing and I incorporate the twirl that I’m supposed to do when I’m singing it. I know the steps without opening my eyes.

“Whoa.” I hear a voice that pulls me out once the song is over.

Blinking, I open my eyes, remembering where I am and clear my throat. “Sorry.” I offer.

“You said you were fucking mediocre.” Whit says. “That is not mediocre.”

“I knew I recognized your voice.” Rowe says. “Holy shit, you’ve got 2 million followers on IG! You’re that genius that graduated from college at 16. Microbiology. I remember somebody at school used you as an example for some shit.” He says, and I hope that’s all he’s uncovered. Please, don’t look any further, Rowe.

“16!” I hear a couple of voices and I take a step back but bump into a body. My body seems to melt into it as if it’s natural.

“16, Everie, you’re a fucking nerd through and through, huh?” Walt’s voice vibrates through my body and his hands land on my shoulders.

Sliding down a bit, I turn facing him. “Everest.” I correct him.

“What?” He looks down, amused by something.

“My name is Everest.”

“But Tucker calls you Everie.”

“Yeah, because he’s Tucker. You can’t call me Everie, Disney.” I say and there’s just something about me glaring at him that seems to make his smile widen.

“Everie, it is, darling.” He winks at me and it makes my body feel like I don’t give it what it needs regularly.

Something in me pushes me closer to him as I glare up at him, but the longer he looks at me, the higher my shoulders go to my ears. I want to shrink. I should’ve left my hair out so I could hide behind that bigness of it. Blinking, I look down at his big booted feet.

“Well, then, that’s settled.” Walt says. “I’m tired and want to just sit back in my bed for a moment. Can you show us where it is?”

I look up at the usage of US in his words and he hasn’t looked down at me to correct himself. While he doesn’t look at me, I check him out. He is really attractive, up close and personal. His eyes are the main thing I want to avoid, but when he’s not looking at me, I’m okay with his face. His hair being pulled back in the low ponytail is something that I like. I’d tell him if I didn’t want to take a step away from him.

Speaking of steps, I take one back and Walt’s gaze deadpans on me. I avoid him by looking everywhere else but him.

“Well, before you show them to their room, I’m going to take my leave.” Tucker says, “my wife is threatening to unleash someone that I don’t particularly get along with on me.”

Tags: Francesca Penn Romance