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Jamie and Ash watch with bated breath to see how she reacts.

She closes her eyes, settling down into the sofa, getting comfortable. “Hmmm. That feels good.”

My gaze meets Jamie’s as I knead Viv’s feet, and I know he’s rooting for us. He’s been a rock for me these past couple of months. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without Jamie and Ash. Jamie smiles, quietly pulling Ash to her feet. They leave the room, and silence descends, but it’s not uncomfortable.

Viv sinks farther into the sofa as I move my fingers from her feet to her silky-smooth calves, kneading her supple flesh as I move higher. I have always loved her gorgeous long slim legs.

Especially when they were wrapped around my neck.

My cock surges to life as I remember all the times I ate her out while she was dangling off my shoulders. Her taste fills my mouth as if it hasn’t been over six years since I last had my lips on any part of her.

“Dillon!” Her urgent tone yanks me out of my head. One of her hands is wrapped around one of my wrists, stalling my upward trajectory. I didn’t realize my hands had moved so far up her thighs. My dick thickens to the point of pain, and if she looks down, there’ll be no disguising my monster boner. I was oh so close to the promised land, but now the gates are being thrown up, shutting me out.

“You don’t want this?” I ask, my gaze lowering to her mouth. “Let me make you feel good.”

“We can’t,” she whispers.

“Why not?” I inch my free hand higher, brushing the tips of my fingers against her lace knickers.

“It’s not right.” She pushes me away, tumbling off the sofa onto the floor. I reach down to help her, but she swats my hands away. “Don’t touch me. Please.”

I raise my palms and back off. “I won’t do anything you don’t want, but I see the lust in your eyes, Viv. I know you want it. Need it.” It’s been three months since anyone has touched her. I know sex isn’t the answer to our situation, but a few orgasms will do wonders for her state of mind.

“It’s not about me not wanting you, Dillon.” She stands, wobbling a little, but she’s not drunk. She stopped the cocktails a few hours ago, switching to sparkling water. “It’s about dishonoring Reeve’s memory on the day our daughter was due to be born.”

I instantly sober up. “You would never dishonor his memory, and taking something for yourself on a difficult day isn’t wrong. But I understand why you feel that way, and I would never pressure you.”

“Thanks.” She looks around. “Where did Ash and Jamie go?”

“They’ve gone to bed.”

She glances at the clock on the wall. “It’s almost midnight. I lost track of time. I’d no idea it was so late.”

“You should just stay here. I have tons of spare bedrooms. You can take the one beside Easton’s room.” I don’t want to admit it’s been remodeled specifically for her because that will probably send her running for the hills.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She chews anxiously on her lip.

“I’m not going to touch you, Viv. Not unless you ask me to.” I stand, walking to her. “Stay. Easton is comfortable. It’s late, and you’re tired.”

“Okay,” she relents, and I nod, fighting a smile. Getting to wake up knowing East and Viv are in my house brings me enormous joy.

We head upstairs, and I show her to her room. “I thought you’d like to be beside Easton. That way, if he wakes, you will hear him.”

“Thank you.” She flips the light switch on the wall, and her eyes pop wide as she spins around to face me. “Did you do this for me?”

I nod. “I wanted you to have your own room here.”

Tears prick her eyes as she drinks in the four-poster bed with wispy white curtains. I had an interior designer come in to create this room because I wanted it perfect for Vivien. The walls are a purple-gray color. The furniture is dark wood, contrasting perfectly with the ash-gray wooden floors. A large patterned pink rug is soft underfoot, and the rest of the room is decorated in various shades of white, gray, pink, and purple. It’s luxurious and comfortable, yet it has a cozy vibe too. Exactly what I wanted to achieve.

“God, Dillon.” She clasps a hand to her chest. “I don’t know what to say.” Tears brim in her eyes as she stares up at me. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much and how you’re not pressuring me or Easton. Thank you for understanding and for being so supportive.”

“It’s not a chore, Viv. I want to be here for you. If I can help to make things easier, I’ll do it.”

She sniffles, casting her gaze around the room again.

I don’t want to leave, and physically pulling myself away from her is a wrench, but she needs her space. “I’m just down the hall.” I point out through the door to the left where my master suite is. “If you need anything during the night, come get me.”

She bobs her head. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“There are towels and supplies in the en suite bathroom,” I add, still reluctant to leave.

Her smile is shy. “I’ll be fine, Dillon. Go to bed.”

I lean in closer, pressing my mouth to her ear. I know I shouldn’t say this, but hello, I’m me. “If you want me to make you feel good, my offer still stands. If you need to forget, I know just how to distract you.”

She pushes my shoulders, forcing me back. “Goodnight, Dillon.”

Her tone brooks no argument, but I don’t give up that easily. I fix her with a cheeky grin, before blowing her a kiss. “Goodnight, Hollywood. You know where to find me if you can’t sleep.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance