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Viv nods like she was expecting this answer.

We were so good together, and we had so many good times. I don’t want our relationship to be defined by those awful last moments. Especially not when we created someone so precious in Easton. In the future, I want our son to know his parents loved each other. That last night, I made love to Viv with my whole heart and soul. It felt magical at the time. Now I know it was because we were creating this incredible new life.

Her eyes lock on mine, and I wonder if my gaze is as emotional as hers. There is still so much that needs to be said, but I think both of us are done for the night. We stare at one another, and I want to kiss her so badly, but she is giving me no indication she wants the same thing. She’s still mourning her husband, and the very last thing I should be doing is pushing her into doing something she would regret. It hasn’t been long, and I have to respect that.

We just agreed to be friends, and it’s a huge step forward.

So, I will learn to be patient.

I will become so patient they’ll have to canonize me when I die.

If Ash was privy to my inner thoughts, she’d be so fucking proud of me.

Viv looks away first, and I sit back in the couch, bringing my beer to my lips. I want to enjoy this. Just being with her. I hope someday my presence offers her comfort in the way being around her does for me.

We drink in silence, both lost in thought, though I notice the sneaky glances she sends my way when she thinks I’m not noticing. After a bit, she shifts on the sofa, swinging her legs around and planting her feet on the ground. “Could I ask you to do one thing?” she says, placing her empty glass on the coffee table.

“Anything.” I pin her with earnest eyes.

She wipes her hands down the front of her dress in an obvious nervous tell. “Ditch the contacts, Dil. I want to see your gorgeous blue eyes.”

Tags: Siobhan Davis All of Me Romance