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Lucas stares at us for a second longer, then pushes the door open, and we all head downstairs. When we get to the room, there are seven men bound and gagged to chairs. They are spread out around the room, making a wide circle.

They all look petrified, struggling against their restraints, screaming against the cloths in their mouths. Looking around the room, I see most of her... family? I guess that's what she would call them. Anyways, most of them are here, standing against the far-left wall, away from the soon-to-be war zone.

Plastic covers the whole floor and all of the walls. Looking up, I see that it's even taped all over the roof. My face slips into a grin. “Hell fucking yeah,” I chuckle, rubbing my hands together. “Tonight is gonna be a bloodbath, isn't it?” I ask, looking at Evie. Her face looks a little green. Fuck, it must be bad if she looks sick. She's been there for every one of Harlow's D-Days, so if she’s already like this, before anything has even happened, then it's gonna be fucked up. I'm even more excited. She nods and looks away.

The sound of clicking heels draws everyone's attention to the other side of the room. Harlow is dressed in her signature black and red corset. Her hair is long and straightened, ending just above her luscious, plump ass. Which, by the way, looks amazing in her matching booty shorts. I shamelessly eye fuck her body. Damn, My Queen looks extra yummy tonight. I can't wait to get my cock inside that tight pussy after this is done and over with. It’s gonna be hard and dirty. My cock is practically like a stone and ready to go. I'm gonna have to try not to blow my load in my pants once they start screaming.

My eyes find her feet, and I tilt my head to the side as she slides her heels off so that she's barefoot.

“Alright, my lovelies,” she says, her raised voice showing authority. “If you don’t think you can stomach what's about to happen, I am giving you an out.” A smile takes over her face, and she looks more playful. “Leave now or forever hold your peace,” she giggles.

I look around to see who is too pussy to see their Queen at work. No one leaves.

Looking back to Harlow, I finally see what she has in her hand, too distracted by her banging body to have noticed it before. A long blade gleams in the light. She twirls it around a few times.Is that a katana?

The lights go out, engulfing the room in complete darkness. The room is silent except for the men's muffled screams and the sounds of them desperately struggling against theirs binds.

“Remember this as you take your last breath, boys. Fuck with me and die,” Harlow voices break the silence. Then music starts to play.

The eerie melody is one I recognize. One of my favorites,“Cradles”by Sub Urban.

The room is pitch dark until the base of the song starts up. As each beat pulses, a strobe light flashes, allowing us to see the room for the briefest of seconds. Harlow is still standing in the spot she was moments before, but she's staring right at me. The bass keeps going, and the lights keep flashing on the beat. A smile creeps onto Harlow's face, and she places a finger over her lips and in unison with the song she mouths the wordHush. And just like that, the show has begun.

As the strobe lights flash, it makes the scene in front of us look like it’s moving in slow motion. On the other hand, when it goes dark again, everything speeds up. One second, she's in one place, and the next she's across the room. Almost like a flip book. The combined effect is captivating. Her body moves in fluid motions. Dipping and flipping her way around the room. Her katana occasionally catching the strobe light as she wields it like some kind of fucking samurai master or some shit.

I pay no mind to the sacks of shit she's dismembering right now, too lost in the beauty of her performance. But I hear them. They are screaming at the top of their lungs in extreme terror and agony as Harlow slices and dices them. It’s like she’s playing that Fruit Ninja game. Not even the gags or music is masking their screams. I can hear the sounds of body parts hitting the ground.

When the song is over, the room is completely dark again, and all you can hear is the sound of Harlow's heavy breathing. It’s almost like everyone else is holding their breath, waiting for what just happened to be revealed.

The lights flick on, and the sight I'm met with has me wanting to piss my pants but also cum at the same time. God, it's the most fucked up, disturbing thing I’ve ever seen or could imagine.

Body parts litter the floor. Legs, hands, feet, toes, fingers, arms, and even severed heads. All that is left is their torsos and bottom halves, but their stomachs are gutted like a fish. Their intestines hanging out, half draped down onto the floor. But because Harlow cut them all into pieces, the ropes are no longer holding them onto the chairs. One by one, the remains of each body topples to the ground.

“Ooops,” a giggle brings my eyes to the woman of the hour. The mastermind behind this masterpiece.

Holy fuck! My eyes widen and my cock pulses at the sight of her. She is drenched from head to toe in blood. Not one speck of her is left untouched. She looks like Carrie when they dumped the pigs’ blood on her at prom, or like if they tossed her into a pool of it instead.

Blood drips from her hands onto the floor. My eyes travel back to hers. She's standing there like a statue. A smile, that would leave any sane person petrified, creeps onto her face. Thank god, I'm the furthest thing from sane.

A smile almost identical to hers makes its way onto my own face. She gives me a wink. That's it. That's the signal I’ve been waiting for. Her permission to touch her, to fuck her until she passes out.

She runs across the room, jumping into my arms. I catch her with ease. Her arms come around my neck, her legs lock around my waist as she smashes her mouth to mine.

I spin her around and crush her against the wall. She lets out a little grunt that sounds more like a moan. I don't show my shock, allowing myself to go with the flow, but what the fuck is happening? Harlow doesn't kiss...? We fuck like wild animals, lips everywhere on each other's bodies except on the mouth. Well, mine are mostly on hers, but still.

Kissing is intimate to someone like Harlow. Like me.

I quickly block out the shock and focus on this vampire queen in front of me, and I love the taste of blood on her lips. She rams her tongue into my mouth, moaning as her nails dig into the back of my scalp. The sting of pain as they scrape hard into my skin, enough to make me bleed I'm sure, makes my cock painfully hard. I'm already stiff as a board from watching that sexy foreplay she just did. Part of me likes to think she does it just for me. A man can dream.

She withers against me, and the sounds coming from her tell me that she needs me, and she needs menow!

Not wasting any more time, I rip away any fabric separating me from the promised land that needs to be thoroughly explored by my cock.

She rips her lips away from mine and tucks her head into the crook of my neck. At the same time as I thrust my cock into her dripping and ready pussy, she bites down hard, latching on to my neck. I let out a strangled moan at the pain, and thank the devil I didn't cum like a virgin. But fuck, the pain and pleasure mingling together is the best fucking feeling. I can't have one without the other.

I start to rut into her, losing myself because all of my senses are focused onher. The only thing I can think about is how her tight cunt feels, gripping my cock like it owns it. And fuck if I don't enjoy being pussy whipped by this goddess of mine.

I’m pounding her harder into the wall with each thrust, but she doesn't complain. If anything, she's enjoying it. “Fuck me dirty, Pet. Make your Mistress scream,” And I do. She tosses her head back letting out a cry so loud that if there weren't about ten people watching this right now, someone might think she was the one getting murdered.

Tags: Alisha Williams Blood Empire Dark