Page 25 of State

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“State might have to stay in overnight, at least.”

“No,” I cried.

“I’m sorry, Courtney, but it’s the best we can do. I only trust Lewis with this because he’s the best with cases like these.”

“Babe, don’t stress for State. He can handle one night in there. I’m sure of it. Patty—hold up.” Country spoke off the phone, and we couldn’t hear what was being said. Then he burst out with “Tell me you’re fuckin’ jokin’, Tech…. Christ. Patty, you let Lewis know that the victim was also a client of Lisa’s.”

Mom gasped, and Dad took her hand. Bile threatened as I stared wide-eyed over at my dad.

This was more serious than we’d thought.


“Clear the women out. We gotta have a word privately, Patty.”

“Wait, I’m not leaving if it has something to do with State,” I said.

“Babe, this ain’t for me to tell you. State will.”

“Country,” I grated. “You listen here. I’m not blind. I’m not deaf or dumb. I know that being in a club can be dangerous.”

“Shit, fuck. You two have been on one date, Court.Onedate.”

“One date, one text message session, and a two-hour conversation. All times when I knew my heart could easily grow for that man sitting in jail because from just one sight of him, he planted a seed inside my heart and kickstarted it like no one has before.”

I wasn’t lying.

It may be fantastical or unbelievable, but a strong connection could be made from first sight, and it happened with State and me.

“My parents trust me, and I know with every breath, every step, every blink that I can trust State and, in turn, trust the club. Don’t hide things from me. Don’t think I can’t take it, because I can. I will. For him, for State, I’d do anything, and you can all call me stupid or tell me it’s too soon, but I know… Iknowit’s not.” I let out a frustrated growl and sat back in the chair. “Country,ifyou believe everything I’ve said and you’re willing to speak to me, know I can vouch for my parents. They’ve shown nothing but love and support for me, my brothers, and others.”

“Okay, babe,” he said in the gentlest tone I’d heard from him. “Okay.”

I glanced at Mom. Tears welled in her eyes as she held fingers to her lips, no doubt to stop a sob from sounding. She knew I was certain about State. She’d always told me how she and Dad had fallen in love at first sight. It might not be love yet for State, but I felt from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, we were meant to be something amazing.

“You all need to know that with the club, we protect our own in any way necessary.”

I drew my brows together as I considered that the idea didn’t sound bad. “I’m not sure what type of reaction you’re after, Country,” I confessed.

His sigh swept through the phone clearly. “By sayin’ this, we’re puttin’ our lives in your hands, but when I sayanyway necessary, I mean that it could get dirty.”

I opened my mouth to say something—I wasn’t quite sure what yet—but Dad rested a hand on my arm and shook his head. He cleared his throat. “Country, maybe this conversation isn’t wise to have over a phone?”

Cocking my head to the side, I thought over what Country had said, running it through my mind again and again.


“You’re gettin’ me, Patty. But these phones are safe from prying ears. We have our guy who takes care of that. Look, this club is our family. If somethin’ bad happens to one member, they have the brothers at their back. If the problem can’t be dealt with in the right way, the legal way, then, and only then, do we step in. We step in to protect and make sure the problem that occurred doesn’t happen again. Ever.” Country let out a heavy breath. “I know this shit is deep and dark. You take your time to sort that out. Court, text me and let me know if we need to get our lawyer movin’ for State. But I hoped to fuckin’ Christ I haven’t screwed this up for him because I know you already mean somethin’ to him, and when a brother gets attached, we know it’s for the long haul.”

The call ended.

They hurt people to protect their own.

They probably even killed people to protect their families.

Wasn’t I supposed to be scared, knowing this?

Did having this knowledge make me want to run for the hills?

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic