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As soon as I entered the kitchen for Sunday family dinner, Mom pounced on me. “You’re glowing. Patty, don’t you think she’s glowing?”

“Sure. Hi, princess.”

“Hi, Dad.”

Mom gasped. “Are you pregnant?”

Casper snorted. “She has to have sex to be pregnant.” My hand, all on its own, whipped out and smacked him in the back of the head. “Shit. I’m kidding, sis.”

“Language,” Mom snapped. She called us out on our cussing all the time, but it always slipped out. I wondered how she’d go with State since he swore like a trooper. The thought of them meeting had me smiling.

“Maybe she is getting a bit. See that smile,” Carter put in.

“Can we not discuss your sister getting anything,” Dad barked and shuddered.

“Everyone has sex, Patty,” Mom told him like he didn’t already know.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored them all and hugged Mom, then Casper, since he was the closest, followed by Calvin, Dad, and Carter. To whom I said, “Good to see you here, my big professional sports brother.”

Carter scratched his chin with his middle finger, even though he was the oldest and supposed to be the most mature. “As I ask you every damn time, how long are you going to call me that?”

“A few more years yet.”

“It’s bad enough you show up to games with that on a sign. The guys on the team give me shit—”


“—about it all the time.”

Grinning a little evilly, I scooped food onto my plate. “It’s what sisters are for.”

He leaned in. “And brothers are for this.” He cleared his throat. “You know what, Mom. I think you’re right. Court could be glowing from being pregnant.”

Mom’s fork dropped from her hand. “Are you?” she near screeched. That was just mean of Carter. He knew, like all of us, she was desperately waiting to have grandbabies.

“No, Mom, I’m not. I do have a date tomorrow, though.”

“Who is he?” Carter demanded.

“What’s his name?” Calvin asked, taking out his phone.

“Does he have a job at least?” Dad queried.

“Warn him you snore,” Casper put in.

“I do not,” I yelled at him.

His brow rose. “I was in the room next to you for many years. You do.”

“Shut up.” I glared.

“Who is this man, and where did you meet him?” Mom asked.

“I’ll tell you more about him later, Mom. Not when the evil lot are listening in. They’ll try and find him and warn him away, but I like this one.”

Tags: Lila Rose Erotic