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“The drunker they are, the looser they get with their wallets.”

I don’t comment on that particular statement. She’s not wrong in her logic but it’s fucked up.

“Okay. I’m ready.”

“Let’s go.” The rest of the girls have gone for the night. Bambi is always one of the last out of the club because she usually has the most money to cash out.

The parking lot is nearly empty other than my truck, Bambi’s car, Dino’s van, and Vanna’s Mercedes. She took over managing the club about a month ago. No one else wanted the job. This business continues to be more trouble than it’s worth. Murder is considering selling but wants to get to the bottom of this Club Nine shit first.

Bambi turns to me before opening her door.

Before she can speak, I shoot my shot. “You got a man?”

Her lips tip into a sexy smirk. “Depends on who is asking?”

“You gonna let me take you out sometime?”

“This is new.”

Bambi may look like a bimbo but she’s far from stupid.

“Been watching you a while now. Been liking what I’m seeing.” I step in close and yank on the end of one of her braids.

“All right. I’ll bite. Take me out now.”

“It’s two am.”

“And your point?”

“I take you anywhere now, it’ll be the clubhouse.”

She licks her bottom lip. “I’m good with that.”

“Cool. You’re with me.”

“Let me dump my bag in my trunk first.”

I start up my truck while she does her thing. I was expecting her to make me work a little harder to get in there but glad I don’t have to. Its no skin off my back to fuck her to get what I need for the club. The passenger door opens, and she slides in and buckles up.

“You been to Devil’s Playground before?”

“Royal Bastards clubhouse?”


“A few times to party.”

“Good then you know the rules.”

“What happens in the clubhouse stays there. Kinda like Vegas.” Bambi puts a hand on my thigh and gives me a squeeze before leaning over to lick the side of my neck.

I hit the gas. After the past week of being cock teased with the promise of Kimber my dick is practically fucking springing out of my pants to get wet. Thoughts of Kimber and her sweet cherry scent hits me like a punch to the damn gut, but I can’t go there. I can’t think about what might have been. I have to focus on the now.

I have a job to do. A patch to earn and getting involved with her will only complicate shit. She’s a girl and a man like me needs a woman.

I punch in the code at the gate and drive through. It’s late but there’s almost always someone around.

Shiloh and Banks are slow dancing by the pool tables. Glad to see he finally moved past the Danika shit. I wasn’t around for it but heard enough stories about the bullshit and problems she caused. Link strayed from Pam with her, and it’s not something anyone mentions unless they want their dick shoved up their own ass.

Shit happens. Everyone knows that bikers aren’t known for being loyal to anyone but their club. Another reason I can’t fuck with Kimber. I’d break her heart. I’m not looking to settle down and a girl like her deserves the fairytale. I’m no prince charming. I’m no one’s hero.

Banks gives me a chin lift as he gets a handful of Shiloh’s ass. I nab a bottle of Jack Daniels from behind the bar and take Bambi upstairs to the room that will officially be mine when I earn my patch.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance