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Chapter Eight

Navarro’s been dodging me.

I don’t know what I did wrong. I thought we were on the same page. That he was cool with waiting and taking things slow. I’m skipping school to be here. Mom is going to kill me if she finds out. I had Sheena drop me off at the clubhouse. I told Smoke I need to see my Uncle Link and he didn’t ask any questions. He let me through the gate because I’m family.

Brodix spread rumors that he fucked me then dumped me. I’ve gotten judgmental glares and pity stares all week. I’ve heard the whispers. That he popped my cherry. No one cares that it’s a lie. Makes me wonder if I’m not the only girl he’s pulled this shit on. At the same time, I don’t have it in me to worry about what he says. I don’t give a damn what anyone at school thinks about me, but Keisha has been getting teased about it and that’s not cool. She’s my little sister, and I have to look out for her. She has three more years in those walls. I don’t want them tainted by my reputation.

I clutch the frame to my chest and take a deep breath as I stand outside the door to Nav’s room at the clubhouse. The sound of 90s grunge rock filters from the other side where he is. I start to knock but the door falls open. The soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminates his naked backside. His back isn’t tattooed, not yet. But when he earns his patch, he’ll get his ink from Roane. My mouth parts. A dry sandpaper sensation coats the back of my throat as tears burn in my eyes and yet I can’t look away.

Navarro is buried between the thighs of a stripper whore named Bambi, pounding into her as though his life depends on fucking her. I only know who she is because the boys at school who are eighteen have been to the Kitty Kat and snuck pictures of her. Brodix had one of her set as his screensaver on his phone. If I didn’t think much of her before. I triple hate her guts now. I don’t want to watch but part of me can’t seem to look away. I won’t say I thought Nav loved me, but I thought he really liked me. I didn’t tell him that I love him, but he has to know the way I feel. That for me there’s no one else.

He said he’d wait for me. It’s been four days and he’s already fucking someone else.

I never thought love could hurt like this.

The frame slips from my grip as I turn, rushing past Viking on the stairs. I don’t reach the bottom before he hooks an arm around my waist, pulling me tight against his chest. “Easy, girl,” his furry lips brush my ear as violent sobs wrack through me. Blinded by tears and my breathing muffled by snot I grip his cut, burying my face in his neck.

“Please get me out of here.”

He stares at me, reading the visible pain etched across my face as though the words expressing my heartache are printed on my skin.

“What happened?” he growls, ready to go to battle with whoever hurt me.

“Nothing. I just. Please.” I peer up at him through my tear-soaked lashes.

“Kimber,” Nav’s voice croaks from behind him.

Oh God kill me. Take me now. I move my head side to side, unable to face him.

Viking squeezes me tighter. “Not now, asshole.”

“Fuck,” Nav mutters. “Let me talk to her.”

Viking eases his hold. “He hurt you?”

I shake my head because my heart is broken but I only have myself to blame. I let myself believe that we were something more.

“Want me to kick his ass?” His lips twitch as though he’d love to do just that.

“No,” I whisper.

“Want to talk to him?”

I pause and close my eyes, needing a moment to catch my breath. I still can’t face Nav, but I guess I owe him a chance to express himself even if it’s the last thing I want right now. I wish I could rewind time and tell myself never to come here. To stay away from Nav. To stop craving him for my own. But there’s this small spark of hope that blooms in my chest when I meet his gaze, so I say, “yeah,” against my better judgment.

“You need me…want a lift, whatever. You find me, and I’ll take you home.”

“Thanks.” I sniffle, wiping the tip of my nose on my sleeve.

Viking gives me another squeeze before releasing me. A harsh expression crosses his face as he moves past Nav on the stairs bumping chests with him in warning. He’s going to make some woman so damn happy one of these days. Too bad he’s in love with a woman he can’t have. Guess we both know what it’s like to want things we shouldn’t. Makes me realize I’m not alone. That there are other people facing unimaginable heartache other than me.

Nav stares at me, shirtless and barefoot, clad in a pair of dark jeans with the button undone, exposing that dark patch of hair that delves between his legs. Sweat glistens on his skin and I want to throw up.

“You wanted to talk. So talk.” I need to keep it together. I can’t let him see how deep his betrayal cuts me. The disappointment I’ve had in Brodix pales in comparison to this. Nav’s humiliated me on a level I can’t explain.

“Can we go somewhere private?”

“Like the room you were just fucking Bambi in. She have something to say to me too?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance