Page 85 of Cry For Mercy

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She might as well have just shot me through mine.

I heaved a deep sigh. “In the course of my investigations, I came across some information. It led me to a missing person.”

She stared at me, her fingers twisting together on the table surface.

“I found Cass… uh… Cassidy Donovan.”

She gasped, her face paling. “So you do know her!”

I shook my head. “No. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is, I discovered that she was alive. I managed to get a few minutes with her, and I gave her your number. I just wanted her to make contact. I wanted her to do for you what you won’t let me do yet. I didn’t want you grieving for someone who wasn’t dead.”

She pushed up from the table, her eyes wide.

“When, Adam? When did you find this out?” There was no answer that would be good enough.

I reached for her hand, swallowing hard when she pulled it out of reach.

“The same morning she called you. I gave her your number, and pretty much begged her to reach out to you. And then I got my ass handed to me. I was unconscious, then with the doc, and then dropped at home, and I… well, that’s when you turned up. I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. I don’t want to. But once I knew it was her, I couldn’t let you keep believing she was gone.”

She’d backed up a few steps, her lip trembling, tears blooming in her eyes.

“You found her. You found her. And… my god… I need… I need a few minutes, Adam. I don’t know how I feel about this. I… I’m going to the bathroom. Just give me a minute.” She rushed away, and I groaned, sitting back in the booth, because hadn’t I managed to slide in on the side Jeff had been sitting at? I was already in pain, and figured what was a little more? And now? Now I had to get back out. Fucking. Seb. Bennett.

BennettDicks: Any chance of a fucking update, dipshit? Or are you too busy to do your job?

I called that number, and waited for him to answer.

“Well, this is an honour, bruv. It’s almost like you want to do what we’re paying you for.”

I took a breath. “What I’d like to do, is tell you to fuck off and die, actually.”

He snorted. “Careful, Mr Teller, you know we own you right now. So… about that update?”

I watched for Julie to return, dimly wondering if this asshole knew that I’d been messaging with Cass, or anything about Julie.

“Well, Harvey’s dad knows his boy is dead. I had to sit and comfort him, while his heart broke. You have any idea what that’s like? Or wouldn’t that permeate your fucking skin?”

“Listen, asshole. I know you like digging yourself a hole, but all this mouthing off isn’t winning you any prizes. Understand?”

I tried sliding out of that seat, but couldn’t do it without both hands.

“Jesus. I just fucking want out, okay? I’m done. If you want to kill me, I’m sure Nige can find me easily enough.”

The Bennett asshole laughed. “You should join the theatre, bruv, with that drama bullshit. When I want to kill you, you won’t have to consent to it, motherfucker, because… Jesus, Cass, settle down!”

I smirked. They thought they owned her, but I was starting to realise it might be the other way around. He groaned.

“I hear you’ve had Nige send someone to mug the dad.” Was his next comment.

“What the fuck? I never said, ‘mug him’. I said to pick his fucking pocket! What is wrong with you people?”

“Adam?” Fuck everything. Now Julie was back, and she’d heard that.

I held up a hand, hoping to hush her, before Bennett caught on.

“You’ve had your fucking update. I’m done.” I ended the call, and then switched the phone off. It wasn’t enough. I popped the battery out, and the simcard, wondering if I had to destroy the pieces. Julie watched me take apart my phone, her face showing how freaked out she felt.

“Julie, I need you to trust me. Can you do that?”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance