Page 84 of Cry For Mercy

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I shrugged. “We wouldn’t have judged him for it.”

“It’s a man thing, little angel. We don’t like showing weakness. Especially not to beautiful ladies.”

He winked at me, and it eased some of the awkwardness that had sprung up between us out of nowhere.

“So… I guess you need to go home to rest after this?” I asked, because he was still cradling his ribs, like they were hurting more as time passed.

“Jesus… are you offering to nurse me some more? I definitely have an… area… that needs some special attention.”

I giggled, covering my face. “You’re so… so…”

“Sexy? Manly? Hot? Really, Julie, stop, you’ll make me blush.”

He was grinning at me, and even with the bruising, and the angry, slowly-healing cut across his nose, he was still so damn yummy. Our food arrived then, so we could focus on that for a few minutes, and not on whatever had caused that weirdness between us.



My mind was reeling. Yet another unknown number messaging me, but the danger was clear. Just from one line.

Unknown: It’s Cass, Julie is asking if I know who you are. Tread carefully. How should I respond?

How the fuck had that come about? She did ask about me saying the name Cass this morning. Had she been dwelling on that ever since? Why wouldn’t she? She was her dearest friend. Knowing that I’d been aware this whole time, that Cass was alive and well… it would probably destroy her.

Me: Fuck. We crossed paths as part of the Harvey investigation. Probably best to play dumb.

Julie had been reading messages on her phone when I came back from the bar. If I didn’t play this carefully, I could drive her away, and that was the last thing I wanted. How the hell was I supposed to keep her, if I couldn’t tell her anything real? And how the hell would I stop her walking away, when she realised just how many lies our relationship was based on? She was damaged enough already.

We ate in silence, but I felt that things were only going to get worse. She had doubts about me. How could I ease those? Could I tell her I found Cass? Asked her to call her? Would that make things better? Or worse.

When we finished eating, I glanced at my phone again.

“Sorry, little angel. I just need to check in with someone.”

She nodded, and sipped her coffee, while I messaged.

Me: Thinking I should tell Julie I found you, and asked you to get in touch. I don’t like lying to her.

I shot her a smile, while I waited for a reply. It occurred to me then, that carrying on secret discussions with Cass, might just be one of those things that could get me killed.

Unknown: I pretended not to know who you are… bear that in mind if you tell her. But I agree. She doesn’t need lies. Are you with her right now?

Fuck it… this is a mistake.

Me: She was with Jeff when I updated him about Harvey. He walked off, and we’re stuck sharing an awkward coffee. She seems fragile. I don’t like holding back information from her.

“Everything okay? Do you want me to go?” Julie asked suddenly, because now I was just staring at my phone and ignoring her.

“Fuck no. Never. I’m sorry, Julie. I don’t mean to stare at my phone like some fucking zombie. Just getting an update, that’s all.”

Unknown: I suspect you know her a little better than you’re letting on. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. Yes, tell her. I’ll back you up when she checks. I hate lying to her too.

Jesus. I rubbed a hand over my face, and then cursed, because I caught my wounded nose when I did.

“Julie, I need to tell you something. Please, hear me out, before you judge me. Trust that I didn’t… Fuck me… look, I wasn’t completely honest with you before, but I want to be.”

She was frowning. “Please don’t hurt me, Adam. I’m just starting to trust you with my heart.”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance