Page 149 of Cry For Mercy

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I giggled. His poor face looked bad today. The bruising, which had started to fade, from when someone broke his nose, had bloomed back into dark colour, and his nose was swollen again.

I felt so bad for punching him like that. It’d hurt my hand too, but I’d been far more worried about all that blood pouring from his nose. I also knew if it hadn’t already been recently injured, I would have barely bruised him.

“I promise.” I said, watching the narrow country road open up to reveal a lovely country house. It was genuinely beautiful. Large, with really big windows, and a neatly planted garden along the edges of the large drive. There was a black Range Rover parked outside, and as we stepped out of the car; I saw a black jeep following us up the drive.

Seeing Marco and Lenore in the car, actually gave me a touch of comfort. We wouldn’t be walking in to a full house. We’d be walking in as a group. Marco and Lenore both hugged Adam, as they joined us, and while Marco nodded at me, with a smile, Lenore reached out for a hand, and squeezed it lightly.

I was relieved that nobody was forcing hugs on me. I’d never been the huggy type before. Reserving that for only the closest of friends, namely Cass. Now it was a horrifying thought. Like I might actually lose my mind, if one of them tried. I’d barely let Adam near me again yet, and I loved him.

As we approached the big house, someone opened the door, and I was relieved to see it was Cass. She hugged everyone, as they entered the house, and again, with me, she simply reached for my hand and squeezed it. It was like they’d been briefed, on how to ‘handle’ me.

The two huge brothers didn’t look too pleased, when she hugged Marco and Adam, and quickly pulled her back over to them, once she’d let us in. I’d be lying if I said those two didn’t scare the hell out of me.

Marco, I was able to cope with, because he’d been around us more since it happened, and I could tell two things about him. Firstly, he was completely devoted to Lenore, and would always be practically glued to her side. Secondly, it was pretty clear that violence against women was absolutely not in his repertoire.

With those twins though, I just wasn’t so sure. They both welcomed the rest of the group, and then stayed well back to nod at me, both smiling in a way I imagine they thought would be welcoming, or unthreatening. I swallowed hard, and said hi to them, all the while imagining myself running for the door.

Adam’s hand wrapped gently around mine, and he put his lips to my ear.

“Nobody in this room will ever hurt you, little angel. I promise.” The brothers were watching us closely, but didn’t intrude.

“Okay, people… we’ve ordered in all kinds of shit, so let’s fill our boots, yeah?” One of them said, making Cass giggle, as she let him drag her to the table. They’d seated me at one end of the table, between Adam and Cass. I was thankful that they hadn’t put anyone more intimidating near me.

Since the table could seat eight people, it left the opposite head empty, with both brothers taking the seats on Cass’s other side, and Marco and Lenore beside Adam.

I noticed that the Bennetts made sure Cass had everything she wanted, before they settled down to their own food, and it made me feel a little less afraid of them. If they cared that much for someone like that, could they really be all bad?

She’d said they’d kidnapped her, but she seemed happier than I’d ever seen her. More relaxed. At peace, even. Wasn’t that what love was supposed to do for people?

Marco and Lenore were as in sync as any two people I’d ever seen. Practically loading each other’s plates, and saying more with looks, than they needed to with words.

And then there was Adam. He was watching me, as I watched everyone else. He’d offered various plates and bowls of food to me, and I’d taken a little of this, and a little of that. Looking at my plate, I could see that I’d chosen pretty much the makings of a full English breakfast. Perfect.

Adam took my hand, as it hovered over my fork.

“Anything else you need? You doing okay?” He was speaking quietly, but the room had fallen silent, as everyone seemed to wait for me.

I forced a smile. “All good, just trying to decide where to start. This all looks great. You really ordered this stuff in?”

Cass and her men started talking over each other, about bits they’d sent the one called Seb out for, and which parts Cass and Samuel had cooked together. I noticed that she called him Sammy, but everyone outside of the three of them referred to him as Samuel.

We ate quietly for a while, almost as if nobody wanted to break the silence to talk, and I worried that I was the one making things awkward. Maybe nobody knew how to talk to someone like me, and they thought they’d trigger some kind of freakout.

“So… you guys are like crime lords, or something?” I finally asked, staring at the brothers, who both practically choked on their food, while everyone else started to laugh.

“Oh my god, Julie! I can’t believe you just asked that!” Cass was giggling, and patting one of them on his back, as he coughed.

They both gulped from their drinks, and then stared at me.

“Seriously? You ask that shit while we both have mouthfuls of food?” The one furthest from Cass muttered at me, and his brother nudged him.

“What? Seriously, Sammy, I know you’re into choking… but not quite like that.”

“Seb!” Cass hissed, gesturing at me, as if he’d offend me.

I held my hands up. “I can handle a conversation, for god’s sake. I was trying to start one, because honestly this is the most awkward meal I’ve ever had anywhere. And it’s such a shame because the food is bloody lovely.”

Adam was laughing, reaching over to stroke my cheek. “My lady has spoken, and she’s right. It’s like a fucking morgue in here, so can we please try and act… at least… your version of normal?”

Tags: Mia Fury Romance