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“My BDSM sanctuary away from the club,” Hayden said, looking around with proprietary pride.

Dahlia couldn’t help it. She instantly visualized a whole bevy of beautiful, naked pleasure subs from his club. They were draped over the various pieces of equipment around the room, all of them straining toward Hayden. How could she possibly compete with those girls?

He moved toward the door. “Coming?”

You got this, Simon.

Dahlia sent all the phantom pleasure subs back into the void with a toss of her head, and followed him out the door.

The second room was indeed a bedroom. Like the living room, it had a wall of glass, though it was presently opaqued by a between-the-glass shade of pale gray. The room was dominated by a king-size bed set against a high, upholstered headboard of the same pearly gray. A matching silk coverlet graced the bed, along with two plump pillows.

She was both startled and intrigued when she noticed the chain hanging against the headboard, clips attached at the end. Clearly, the guy hadn’t been kidding when he said this wasn’t a game for him, but a lifestyle. He had his own dungeon, for heaven’s sake, and a bed rigged for bondage.

She tore her gaze from the chain and drew in a deep breath to calm herself.

The rest of the room was perfectly normal, and quite pleasantly laid out. There was a small seating area by the huge window, with two deep wingback chairs and a desk, on which sat a laptop computer and a small brass reading lamp, along with a pile of medical journals.

“I’m thinking we’ll start with a nice over-the-knee spanking,” Hayden said, pulling her attention sharply back to him. “I’m going to sit here on the bed while you remove your things. You can put them on one of the chairs. Leave on your panties, for now. Everything else comes off.”

Dahlia hesitated. She figured she’d be removing her clothes at some point, yet his words somehow caught her off-guard. Her kneejerk impulse was to say something stupid like, “Oh, and who made you the boss?”

But the answer to that question gave her pause. She had made him the boss. By agreeing to this voluntary exchange of power, however temporary, she shouldn’t only accept the parameters of her submission, she should embrace them.

The rum had smoothed away the worst of her jitters, and she was reasonably calm as she removed her boots and socks and slid out of her jeans. She was keenly aware of Hayden’s intense gaze as she pulled the sweater over her head and placed it on the chair atop her jeans. Refusing to blush, she reached back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall from her shoulders. She was glad he’d allowed her to keep on her panties, though his “for now,” sent a little shiver through her.

“You’re beautiful, Dahlia,” Hayden said softly, his eyes moving over her body as if he already owned it.

Heat licked its way over her throat and cheeks. “Thank you…Sir.”

He patted the bed beside him. “Come lie across my lap.”

She moved toward him, heart high in her throat, nipples stiff. She wasn’t quite sure how to arrange herself over his thighs. With Hayden’s guidance, she got into position, her cheek resting against the soft coverlet, her legs extended on the bed.

Hayden shifted above her. She reflexively tensed, nearly yelping in her nervous anticipation. But instead of delivering a stinging swat, Hayden’s large, warm hands moved in soothing circles over her back.

“Relax,” he crooned. “You’re safe here, Dahlia. Never forget that.” He massaged her shoulders, kneading away the tension as he continued to speak in that soft, deep voice. “Erotic spanking is an effective way to ease into a D/s power exchange. It’s a chance for you—a woman normally in charge—to relinquish control, to grant yourself permission to embrace previously unexplored parts of your sexuality.”

He stroked her back in easy sweeps as she relaxed beneath his touch. But when his fingers moved over her panty-clad ass, she stiffened with anticipation—equal parts fear and longing.

Instead of smacking her, he slid his hand down between her legs. She stifled a moan as his fingers tantalizingly grazed her throbbing cunt through the dampening silk.

“This isn’t about me forcing what I want on you, and you submitting because you have no choice. No,” he continued softly, his hands now resting on her ass. “Before I take down your panties and give you a proper spanking, you’re going to ask me for it. Before I take you to that magical place where the base metals of pleasure and pain twist together into submissive gold, you’re going to sweetly, politely, beg me to do it.”

He slipped a hand between her legs. She gasped as his fingers slid beneath the crotch, touching her wet folds and circling her throbbing clit. “In order to feel the raw heat generated by my bare hand on your bare ass, you will ask, ‘Please, Sir. Take down my panties and spank me.’”

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic