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He rubbed her clit, and this time Dahlia couldn’t hold back the moan. She was stunned at how easily he’d brought her to the teetering edge of an orgasm with barely a touch. But it was more than just his skillful fingers at play. It was also his words, which wove a dark, delicious net of longing and desire around her senses.

“Go on,” he urged, slipping a finger inside her. “Ask for what you want, Dahlia. For what you need.”

“Please, Sir,” she managed, her voice trembling with lust. “Take down my panties…” She swallowed, hardly believing she was asking for this, rather than merely submitting to whatever happened. “Take down my panties,” she began again, this time plowing on, “and spank me.”

“With pleasure.”

Chapter 4

Hayden hooked his fingers under the elastic of Dahlia’s pretty pink panties and dragged them slowly down to her knees. His cock was as hard as a block of wood beneath Dahlia’s warm body. Her ass was beautiful, the small, round globes perfect for spanking.

His decision to remain dressed while having her strip was primarily for her benefit. The goal was to heighten her sense of erotic vulnerability by being so exposed while he remained fully clothed. As frustrating as it was to have this layer of denim between them, it served another purpose as well. It kept him from doing what he longed to do at that moment—to flip her onto the bed, rise over her and claim her with his cock.

But this moment wasn’t about him. It was Dahlia’s first exposure to erotic pain, and as such he needed to keep himself focused.

It had been ages since he’d been with such an untried newbie to the scene. He was used to the experienced pleasure subs at the Masters Club who could take whatever he meted out and beg sweetly for more. And, while he believed Dahlia was truly submissive at her core, that didn’t necessarily translate into a desire for erotic pain. He would have to tread carefully, and pay attention to her cues.

She tensed like a startled animal when he placed his hand on her bare ass. Her hands, he observed, were clenched into fists. He shook his head, amused at how incredibly nervous she was. Such a contrast to the supremely confident, no-nonsense persona she presented at the hospital.

“Calm down, Dahlia. Remember, I’m not going to give you more than you can handle.” He tapped her clenched fists. “Relax your hands. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.”

He waited while she did this, stroking the soft, rounded globes of her ass. “Better. We’ll start off slowly. Don’t anticipate. Just open yourself to the experience.”

She slowly relaxed as he lightly smacked her ass with the flat of his hand—more like love pats than an actual spanking. When he struck just a little harder, she yelped.

“You okay?” He paused to caress her warm bottom. When she didn’t answer right away, he moved his hand between her legs and cupped her cunt, exerting gentle pressure with his palm. “I asked you a direct question. I expect a prompt and honest answer.” He could feel her damp heat, and was certain of her arousal. “Do you want me to stop? Or to continue?”

Was this the moment where she brought everything to a crashing halt? When she leaped up and wrapped her arms around her lovely body, informing him she wanted no more part of this?

If that happened, then so be it. He really had no business engaging with someone so new to the scene. Been there, done that, no thank you.

But Dahlia wasn’t just some woman he’d met by happenstance. He’d been nursing a growing crush on her since her arrival at the hospital several months before. It made him wonder if their instant attraction had been the result of some kind of subconscious kindred connection—his inner Dom connecting to her inner sub.

Be that as it may, he had zero interest in pushing her into something she didn’t want. If he was wrong, and she wasn’t hardwired for erotic submission, he would leave it at that. He would let her go.

In spite of his resolve, he held his breath in anticipation of her response, barely allowing himself to acknowledge how badly he wanted this to work.

She lay with her cheek resting against the bed, eyes closed. Her honey-blond hair had fallen over her face. “Continue,” she whispered.

Heart leaping, he gathered the silky tendrils and tucked them behind her ear. “Speak up,” he instructed, allowing a bit of sternness to enter his tone. “And address me properly.”

Her eyes opened, a flush rising on her cheeks. “I want to continue, Sir.”


For the next several minutes he alternated between a light spanking and massaging her pinkening ass. She breathed more heavily as he intensified the strokes. “You good? Want me to keep going?”

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic