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That wasn’t the right answer, though. He shakes his head, and my heart sinks. “That’s not the same as being into it. Your body can react one way even if you feel different in your head.”

It makes sense. Still, that doesn’t change anything. “I did like it, though. It’s different and a little weird for me because I’ve never done anything like this before, but… I enjoyed it.”

“We can work with that.” He looks at the other two, both of whom nod in agreement.

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“For one thing, it means you can put your clothes back on.” Dash shakes his head and grumbles under his breath while he gathers my things. “Sorry. All the blood was still below my belt, or else this wouldn’t have taken so long.”

“Like you do so much thinking without your dick.” Arden snickers. Either his mood has picked up, or it’s only his friends he’s not pissed at. I still can’t tell how he really feels about me.

“I think we both know I do plenty of thinking without my dick.” Dash hands me my clothes, and I accept them quickly. He’ll never know how grateful I am. I get dressed in a flash, and now I can think better without the embarrassment of being naked. It’s so bizarre. Just a few minutes ago, I was crawling around on my hands and knees with every part of me exposed, and I didn’t feel as nauseatingly humiliated.

“So I guess this means the party’s over for tonight?” I ask. I still feel bad, terribly bad, but personally, I can’t see going through with it now. Not tonight. Not when I’m so confused and conflicted.

“Yeah, it seems that way.” Ranger shrugs. “It’s fine. Safe words exist for a reason.”

That’s all fine and good, but it doesn’t help me when it comes to the reason I’m here in the first place. “Does this mean we’re finished? Like the contract is null and void?”

“Not even close.” Arden stands, unfolding his powerful body. Once again, I have to wonder who the hell these guys are. Did they, like, meet up on a website for bodybuilders or while applying for bouncer positions? “The contract is still open and valid.”

“That’s great. I would like to try this again. I want to fulfill my end of the bargain.”

“And you will,” he assures me, sounding a little cold.

“And you’ll get the money,” Dash adds.

“Of course,” Arden agrees with a short nod, still staring at me. “But first, we get what we want. That’s how this works. And now that you know what’s expected of you, we’ll expect you to be prepared next time.”

“I will be. I swear.” My heart’s thumping, but not with fear. Relief, more like. For a second there, I was sure I’d lost my last chance to get the money I need. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Just remember this. We might’ve been understanding tonight, but we won’t be so understanding tomorrow. Which is when you will be here, at the same time, better prepared. Got it?”

His eyes are practically burning into me, and I can hardly breathe for the weight of his stare. It’s like he’s sitting on my chest. I’ve felt this way before, this sort of dread and apprehension.

But there’s no fear like I’m used to. That’s the difference. I’m intimidated, yes, but not afraid. The worst that will happen is I’ll walk away from this without a cent. Granted, that’s just about the worst thing I can imagine right now, but there are much worse things—like men who take their frustrations out with their fists.

“Well?” he prompts, making me jump.

“Yes. I’ll be prepared. I won’t stop things next time.”

“Unless you need to.” Ranger gives Arden a pointed look that even I can interpret, and I don’t know them. “Right?”

The two of them battle it out silently, with Dash looking back and forth between them. The hair on the back of my neck begins to rise as the tension in the air heightens to the point where it’s practically sizzling.

Finally, it’s Arden who blinks first. “Of course. Unless you need to.” He strides across the room and flings the door open before marching out to the hall. I can breathe easier now, and I do, taking a deep gulp of air.

“No hard feelings,” Dash murmurs. “And don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow night.” He’s not being friendly this time. There’s almost a growl in his voice, and it makes me shiver in a good way. I moisten my lips with the tip of my tongue, and his nostrils flare, his gaze riveted to my mouth.

“Are you coming or not?” Arden calls from out in the hall. I have to wonder if other people currently enjoying themselves feel like hearing him shout.

Ranger rolls his eyes. “Tomorrow night. Be ready.”

“I will. I promise.” Still, it’s all I can do to keep myself from falling to pieces as they leave the room. I hear the three of them muttering to each other before their voices grow quieter, and finally, the hall is silent again.

I sink against the sofa’s padded back and close my eyes. I can’t miss out on the opportunity to get this money. My whole life depends on it. My future, all of it. And all it takes is going through with something that, truthfully, I was starting to like.

I need to figure out how I’m supposed to act and what to expect, or else I’ll blow it again.

And I seriously doubt any of them will be forgiving next time.

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic