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“I’m so sorry. I am so, so sorry.” I am also so humiliated, kneeling on the floor wearing not a stitch of clothing. And now that the mood has changed—thanks to me—the whole being naked thing doesn’t feel as natural. I cover my boobs with one arm, then wedge the other hand between my legs. It’s like one of those old nightmares where I walk into school with no clothes on, only I’m not going to wake up from this.

Arden’s scowl isn’t helping things, either. So it was him trying to force me onto his dick, which still hangs out from his open jeans. It’s just as big as I imagined when I felt it against my face, even now that it’s starting to soften a little. He notices me looking, and his scowl deepens before he puts himself back in his pants and zips up. He remains seated, legs spread, glaring at me with his generous mouth twisted in disapproval. Or is it disgust?

It’s Ranger who reaches out to help me to my feet. He’s not scowling—no, he looks concerned, his heavy brows knitted together over eyes that dart back and forth across my face. “Are you all right? What happened?”

“Physically, I’m fine.” He leads me to the sofa, where Dash spreads a towel from the adjoining bathroom. Just like that, I’ve gone from being overwhelmed by their demands to being overwhelmed by their kindness. I’m not used to being taken care of, even in such a simple way as this.

When I sit, all three of them study me with questions written on their faces. “I really am sorry, but I wasn’t prepared for this. Not up here.” I tap the side of my head before crossing my arm over my chest again. Goose bumps cover my arms and legs, and I can’t help but tremble under their probing gazes. They already make me feel small, thanks to their imposing size, but now I feel around two inches tall.

“So it was your first time doing something like this,” Dash muses. I wish I could tell if there’s disapproval in his voice, but he’s not easy to read. None of them are.

Well, except for Arden. He still looks pissed. “Maybe you shouldn’t sign up for things you’re not ready for,” he suggests, raising an eyebrow.

Ranger shoots him a look that would freeze me solid if it was directed at me. “You’re just pissed because she’s not sucking your cock right now.”

“And what if I am? It’s what she signed on to do. There’s a contract.”

Ranger rolls his eyes. “Yeah, no shit, but it’s different when you’re actually on your knees and having somebody shove themselves in your mouth.” He looks around the room. “Not that I would know from experience.”

“You have to get in the right headspace,” Dash murmurs. Of the three of them, he seems like the most reasonable.

“I didn’t know.” I slide an apologetic look toward Arden, who only shakes his head. “I am so sorry. It’s not that, you know, I don’t want…”

He holds up a hand. “Stop. You don’t have to beat yourself up.”

“I have to ask.” Ranger folds his arms, which are thick enough to bring tree trunks to mind. “Why are you doing this if you don’t have any clue what goes into it?”

“Let me guess,” Arden interjects before I can take a breath. “You read a book or watched a movie and figured just because it got you wet, it means you’re into kink.” If he could sound a little more disparaging, I’d be amazed.

“You did get wet earlier. I saw it.” Dash’s grin widens when my face flushes. “So you were enjoying yourself for a little while.”

I can’t talk about that, mainly because I’m pretty sure I’ll die of embarrassment. But heat rises in my chest and spreads through me when I consider what Arden said. “You’re wrong about me. This isn’t a game. I’m not screwing around or experimenting or whatever.”

“Then what’s it all about?” Ranger asks. While he’s not particularly friendly, he still strikes me as kinder than Arden.

“I need the money.” I blurt out a short little laugh. “I mean, I’m sure plenty of people sign up here because they need money, right?”

“Probably,” Ranger grunts.

“And I get it. I should have, like, done my homework or whatever. But I didn’t know that I should. So I was kind of blind when I came in.” I look directly at Arden, who isn’t scowling as much anymore. “I really am sorry to stop things like I did. It wasn’t anything personal.”

His brow furrows. This is it. He’s going to blow up at me for insulting him. I brace myself, my heart fluttering sickeningly. Can the other two hold him back if he lunges?

He surprises me by staying in the armchair. “Hang on. I’m not some little pussy who gets his feelings hurt that easily.” He sits up a little straighter. “I just don’t love it when people back out on an agreement. Especially when it means me having blue balls.”

All I can do is shrug a little while looking from one of them to the other. This is the most ridiculous situation I’ve ever been in, no doubt. “I know I kind of killed the mood, but we can start again if you want. Just, you know, maybe let’s take it slow? Tell me what you want from me? I’ll do anything.”

Arden chuckles. “For one thing, never say that to people you don’t know.”

“That’s true,” Dash agrees, and he’s not grinning anymore. “We’re not the guys who will take advantage of that, but those types do exist.”

When I shiver, it’s not because the air is a little cool in here. “Trust me. I already know they exist.”

Ranger sits at the other end of the sofa. I appreciate the way he gives me space. Looking at him, I would expect him to be a brute. I guess I have a lot to learn. “Tell the truth. Were you into what was happening?”

There goes my face again, burning like it’s on fire. The least I can do is be honest, though, which is why I nod. “I mean, Dash said it. I got wet. I must have liked it.”

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic