Page 44 of Broken Monster

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“You do realize that the point of getting steamed dumplings is so that they’re steaming hot when you eat them, right?” Alicen’s irritation was hilarious sometimes. I’d never tell her that for fear of her trying to kick my ass, but it was true. The girl had one serious pout that made her look so fucking cute.

We’d made the Chinese date a week ago, but everything seemed to be getting in the way. Tonight, had even been almost a bust. Enzo had shown up at the grocery store when I’d been there picking up the beer and popcorn for us to consume while watching our latest KDrama. I’d never seen him at that store before, so I could only assume he’d been there stalking me. He’d vehemently denied it even as he followed me around the store holding bag after box of junk food I’d piled high in his arms.

“I’m sorry. I got cornered by Enzo at the store, and it took everything short of inviting him to our date night to convince him I wasn’t up to no good. I think after the last one of their guys was delivered on their doorstep by Jasper, they no longer believe anything I say.” It wasn’t my fault I had needed some information. I might’ve even let the guy live if he’d given me what I wanted.

Most likely not, but it was the thought that counts.

“They’re getting closer and closer to you. I don’t know why you don’t just tell them your

plans.” She pulled the clear top off her dumpling container and wrestled one into submission with her chopsticks. The tip of her tongue was caught in the corner of her mouth as she concentrated on making the two pieces of woodwork in her favor.

“Sure. That’s a great idea. Let’s tell Nico that I’m hurting down his father so that I can kill him because he ordered the hit on my parents and had them murdered in front of

me eleven years ago. That would go over really well. Maybe he’d even offer to help me out.”

Nico would put a bullet in my head before I could blink.

He was fiercely loyal to his family. I understood that. Even though my family was dead, I was still loyal to them. That’s what everything had been about since walking out of

my blood-stained childhood home and going with my uncle.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. He wouldn’t like that too much. I just don’t see the point in all this running around, kidnapping, and torturing people. It seems like a waste of

time and energy. It’s not the best plan. You’re not getting any closer to getting where you want to be.” She was right. I couldn’t argue that all these months had been nothing but one big fucked up waste of time.

When I started down this path, I thought I had everything figured out. I knew what to expect,

how everything was going to play out, and I would have accomplished my goals sooner rather than later. Choosing the course I had meant I had more control over the situation. I’d also be able to keep myself from getting too involved with the Valentino boys.

Everything I’d expected had been far from how it happened. I feel even further away from my goal than if I’d just went into this like my uncle suggested. Even playing the

sex crazed hussy, I couldn’t figure out a way to get close to Gio faster than how I’ve done it so far.

I was floundering, and it was driving me fucking crazy. I couldn’t remember a time

when I felt so lost, and I couldn’t figure out how to get back on the right path. Every turn I took just put me on a different path that pushed me further away from what I wanted. I couldn’t think of a way to ask for help either. Jasper, Alicen, and Milo were by my side, but I didn’t want to drag them deeper into my shit.

Shaking my head at myself, I bit down into the egg roll I’d been holding. All I could think was that I’d been cocky and so sure of myself that I forgot that I didn’t know everything. I couldn’t plan on knowing every choice another person was going to make, and my boys had been surprising me since our first encounter. That was why they fascinated me so much. It was why I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

“It has all been a mess. That’s why we’re going to ambush Gio at his lake house next week. It’s time to end this all. Once I have Gio alone, I’ll also be able to get the answers to my questions about his relationship with my parents.” I’d been looking at the photos Jasper found everyday trying to figure them out. My brain couldn’t comprehend what they meant even if it was obvious by their smiling faces and the way they wrapped their arms around one another. From a young age all I could remember was the hatred I felt for Gio because of what he’d done to my parents. I didn’t have one memory of my parents and him together. I couldn’t think of a time when I’d spent time in his company, but the pictures told a different tale.

“You still can’t get a hold of your uncle? I know he doesn’t really keep in touch when he’s away, but it’s been a lot longer than usual. He was supposed to be home by now,

right?” she asked around a mouthful of shrimp lo mien.

Pulling my legs up onto the couch beneath me, I stretched over and jammed my pair of chopsticks into the little white box she was holding. She jerked the box up and away from

my invading sticks, determined not to let me have any of her yummy noodle goodness. She’d put down the dumplings in favor of the shrimp lo mien, and the smell was tempting me like nothing else.

“Be nice and share. I want some shrimps too,” I whined as I lifted up over her to stretch

even further.

“No. It’s mine. You wanted the beef and broccoli. Eat that and leave my noodles alone.” She pushed me back down to sit on my butt before digging back into the to-go box of

noodles. Mean little girl.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance