Page 88 of First Comes Love

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“It’s not fate,” I said. “It’s coincidence. And you know what I’m talking about. You barely said hello to me and Sofia before you were drooling all over a man you hardly know. And for what?”

Her lower lip started to tremble, and her eyes grew into wide green pools of sadness. “Oh—I—I’m so sorry. I didn’t think…I was only being friendly…”

I rolled my eyes. “You must think I was born yesterday. I’ve seen you do this before.”

“What do you mean?”

I scoffed. “Mom, come on! How about when you stole half of Nonna’s jewelry to pay your dealer? Or how about when you blew all of Dad’s life insurance money on booze, huh?”

“Shh!” Her posture stiffened with each statement I made. “I’ve changed. People can change.”

“That might have worked with Lea, but it’s not going to work on me. Xavi is just a friend, all right? He has a nice watch, but he’s not here to pay for your next score or whatever else it is that you’re looking for.”

Her face fell even further. “Frankie, that was cruel.”

Guilt blossomed in my belly. Shit, maybe I had gone overboard.

“I—” I shook my head. It was hard to separate her inappropriate behavior now from years past. Maybe Matthew was right. Maybe some things were too hard to forgive.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly, coming closer so her coworkers couldn’t hear. “For today and all those years and all the mistakes I ever made. I’ll tell you every day if I have to. But amor, forgiveness is divine, remember? It’s not fair for you to hold a grudge against me forever and keep me from my granddaughter. She’s making…new friends…isn’t she? Why not with her abuela too?”

She glanced out the window of the shop, where Xavier and Sofia were playing some sort of game that consisted of her standing on his shoes while he twirled around.

I rubbed my face. This was too confusing. I had too much to negotiate right now without my mother complicating all of it.

“I just need our sandwiches,” I said. “Beyond that…” I shook my head. “I’ll think about it, all right?”

My mother smiled and gave me another hug—without asking, but I couldn’t deny that it felt nice.

“Perfect,” she said. “Just perfect.”

Tags: Nicole French Romance