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“What did that prick want?”

“To see how things were,” Bianca muttered. “He said my mom wanted to talk to me since I never call home. I think he put her up to it because all she wanted to talk about was Hail and how we were doing and the wedding plans. I didn’t tell her anything.”

“And that needs to change. I expect after tonight’s events, the entire fucking country is going to know Bianca is married to me,” Dom said, staring at each of us. “Everything is going to go from bad to worse in just a few hours. We need to be ready. We’re already facing the tradition with my father tonight. Once the Ivanovs and D’Angelou hear about what’s gone down, we’re all in some shit. We wanted a war. I think we’re about to have one worth fighting.”

“What tradition?” Fallon asked, frowning. “Why does that sound bad?”

“Because it is,” I said, giving B a squeeze. “Dom’s family has a tradition. Each time an heir marries, the head of the family gets to fuck the bride before the groom does.”

“What?” Fallon screeched, leaping up, his hands tightened into fists as his chest heaved. “What the fuck? Don’t tell me you’re letting that happen. I swear to fucking god, if anyone touches her, I’ll kill them—”

“That’s the attitude we need,” Levin spoke up.

Dom nodded. “We need a distraction tonight. When shit goes down with my father, which it will, we need to be able to get the fuck out of there. That’s where you come in.”

“What do you need me to do?” Fallon didn’t hesitate.

I gave B another squeeze, grateful he wasn’t bailing on us and really did seem intent on keeping B in his life. As much as I disliked the lords, I wanted Fallon to succeed. Not because I loved the guy, but because B did, and I wanted her happiness. If it meant the F-Word became a king, so be it.

“Whatever it takes,” Dom said. “I need you to be waiting, ready to do what you have to do to break the party up. Set something on fire. Smash up cars. Molotov the fucking house. I don’t care. Don’t get fucking caught and don’t get killed.”

“Or do get killed,” Levin muttered.

“Shut up, Levin,” B snapped, sitting forward. “You always have a shitty attitude. Everything is fucked right now. We don’t need you adding to it.”

“Me adding to it?” Levin immediately bristled.

Here we go.

“I’m not adding to shit. You’ve got a lord here learning our shit. Finding out when we’ll be vulnerable. The fact you aren’t even a little worried doesn’t surprise me though because why would you be? We’re all busting our asses here to keep you safe while you sit around and make us feel like we need to kiss your ass. Like we aren’t good enough for you.” He glared at her as the room fell silent.

“My thoughts on whether you’re good enough for me don’t really matter, do they? You have Celeste. So maybe we don’t need you to help us. Maybe you should go fuck your new girlfriend since we’re—I’m—taking up so much of your precious time!”

“B—” I started.

“Are you saying you don’t want me at your fucking wedding reception? You don’t want my help tonight?” Levin snarled, his eyes flashing with fury.

“You’re officially uninvited,” B snapped back. “I don’t want your help. I don’t need your help. You proved your feelings when you ran off with Celeste. I don’t want you to come tonight. You aren’t wanted, Levin.”

B trembled in my arms as Levin stared at her, his chest heaving and his Adam’s apple bobbing.

“She’s just upset,” I started, but Dom silenced me.

“We aren’t going to do this right now. Levin’s right. We’re trying to keep you safe, wasp—”

“If he goes, I won’t.” B crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m serious. I will throw a fucking fit and make the biggest scene you’ve ever witnessed. I’d rather die than have him there. He should just stay here. He can fuck his new toy instead,” her voice wobbled.

I glanced at Fallon to see him staring down at his hands, wordless.

“Bianca,” Dom shouted, getting to his feet. He hauled her out of my lap and gave her a shake. “Knock your shit off. What did I tell you?”

Tears trickled from her eyes before a soft cry left her lips. She shoved Dom away from her and stormed to the door. Without a backward glance, she jerked it open and stalked out, the door slamming so hard behind her it knocked a few of Levin’s records off his shelf.

We sat in silence for a moment. Dom dragged his fingers through his hair as he grumbled in Italian.

“I-I can go check on her,” Fallon said, clearing his throat. “If you guys need to discuss some stuff.”

“Just go back to your place. Make sure everything is good with the lords.” Dom looked to the door like he wanted to leave and tear B a new one.

“What about needing my help? What do you want me to do?”

“I’ll text you the address. Come up with something and don’t get yourself killed. We’ll handle the rest,” Dom said.

Fallon got to his feet. “OK. Well, here’s to hoping we don’t all die in a few hours. Just know if it comes down to saving you guys or Bianca, I’m choosing her.”

“It’s what I expect from you,” Dom said gruffly with a nod. “Her first. We’ll manage.”

He and Fallon shared a look before Fallon left, leaving just Levin and me with Dom.

“Levin,” Dom started.

“It’s fine. I don’t think I should go. We’re trying to make this as smooth as possible. If she’s pissed off and doesn’t want me there—”

“I want you there. I need you there. If shit goes down, Vin and I could end up fucked. I don’t know that I can trust Vasiliev just yet. There’s always a chance he’ll fuck us over. Bianca is hurting right now and clearly doesn’t know how to deal with her anger. She will fall in line.”

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic