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“Fuck,” Fallon groaned from the floor.

I cracked my lids open. He was rubbing his face, his eyelids squeezed tightly together. He let out a gasp when Levin chucked a pillow full force at his face.

“Shut the fuck up, Vasiliev. I’ve had to listen to your whimpering ass all night,” Levin snapped from beneath his blanket. He’d changed his sheets and bedding before he lay down last night much to my amusement.

Fallon whipped the pillow back at him, causing Levin to grunt when it bounced off his head.

“Why the hell am I in here? And where the hell is here?” Fallon grumbled, sitting up, his hair sticking up in different directions.

“Levin’s room,” I called from my spot on the chair. “You’re here because you were balls deep in sugar and high off your ass. You came pounding on Levin’s door and interrupted our meeting with talk of a leopard chasing you or something.”

“Damn it.” Fallon pushed the thin blanket off and quickly replaced it when he realized he was naked.

“You took your boxers off and refused to put them on,” I added, smirking at him. “That’s when Levin threw you out of his bed and why you’re sleeping on the floor.”

“Lucky I didn’t tear your cock off and choke you with it,” Levin grumbled from beneath his blanket.

Fallon visibly swallowed. “I feel… off.”

I sat forward and ran my fingers through my dark hair. “Like maybe you almost fucked some chick in front of the lords and disciples? That maybe you had her tits in your mouth and got her off with, like, twenty people watching you do it?”

Fallon visibly paled and froze before he managed a choked fuck from his mouth.

“Nice job, shitlips,” Levin said, sitting up and glaring at him. “You cheated on Bianca.”

“I-I did not,” Fallon shot back, his eyes wide and filled with fear. “I was fucked up. I-I’d never do that to her. Shit.”

He was on his feet in an instant, spinning a circle with his dick out while he tried to find his boxers. I pointed to the floor by my feet. He rushed over, making a feeble attempt to cover his junk with his hand.

A knock sounded on the door before it was opening and Dom stepped into the room. His green eyes swept quickly from a bare-assed Fallon to a sour looking Levin to my grin.

“You all look like you had a good time,” Dom called out.

Fallon yanked his boxers on quickly and turned to face Dom.

“Man, last night I fucked up. I’d never do that shit sober—”

Dom held his hand up and gave a quick shake of his head. A second later, the door opened again, and Bianca stepped inside. Her blue eyes quickly took in the scene, her face expressionless.

“Bianca. Princess,” Fallon called out thickly, taking a step toward her.

Dom shifted in front of her and gave Fallon a look that said he’d kill him if he tried to get closer.

“Get your fucking clothes on. We need to talk,” Dom said.

Fallon cast a mournful look to Bianca, who stood with her head down, before he nodded and backed away, grabbing his clothes as he went. Within moments, he was dressed from the waist down and sitting on the edge of Levin’s bed.

Levin scoffed and got up in nothing but his black pajama bottoms. Bianca’s eyes immediately zeroed in on him as he went to his dresser and tugged out a white t-shirt. Her eyes didn’t deviate from him. I watched curiously as Levin paused, catching her eye. He hesitated for a moment before he dragged the shirt over his head, covering his tattooed torso.

Bianca’s cheeks reddened.

We’d all seen it. I offered her a gentle smile. She came to me immediately, and I opened my arms for her as she crawled onto my lap like a sweet, little kitten and nuzzled against me.

“How’s my favorite girl?” I murmured, kissing her cheek.

“Tired,” she answered softly, her fingers twining with mine. “Dominic wouldn’t let me sleep in.”

“He fuck you?” I asked. I was aware all eyes were on us, but I had my doubts they could hear what we were saying.

“No,” she answered back.

“Too bad.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “You look like you need to come. I can help with that.”

She let out a soft laugh and kissed me.

“Enough,” Dom called out, his voice thick with jealousy. “We have things we need to do this morning.”

“Yeah, B,” I said, winking at her as she shook her head at me, a tiny grin on her lips.

Dom liked to direct who, what, when, and where. I got it. I’d fall in line.

Levin turned away from us, a muscle popping along his jaw as he leaned against the small countertop in his kitchenette.

“Bianca received a phone call this morning from D’Angelou,” Dom said.

All playfulness left me at those words.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic