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Vincent shot a look to Dominic, who leaned forward and steepled his fingers.

“That might be a bit of a problem,” Dominic said in a voice which sent chills down my spine.

“Hail feels the same way.”

“And the product?” Vincent broke in. “How does it make you feel?”

“I feel like I’m fucking flying. It comes in these intense waves which I can’t seem to get enough of,” Fallon said, his eyes wide. “It’s the best drug I’ve ever tried, and trust me, hanging out with Hail all these years, I can say I’ve used a fair amount. The crazy thing about it though, is my head is clear. I’m focused. I feel like God without a drug problem. This shit is something to worry about. Weed, coke, heroin, addy… nothing will touch this if they start pushing. And I really think they’re going to start pushing.”

Dominic’s face darkened as Fallon continued.

“De Luca is going to take over. From both sides. Hail is a narcissistic prick who thinks it won’t matter and our customers will stay loyal to us. But he hasn’t tried this. This shit is legit, man. It’s the next best thing to heaven.”

“Thank you for the information,” Dominic said softly.

It was like his good mood dissipated the moment the words left Fallon’s mouth. I stared between them, the spins making me wince. It looked like Mr. De Luca might be in some trouble if I had to guess.

Dominic cleared his throat. “What news do you have for me on Hail’s plans? Bianca’s father? Stefan’s death? Anything on that stuff?”

Fallon swallowed. “I-I don’t have any info.”

“So you failed?” Dominic raised his brows at him.

“I didn’t fail,” Fallon seethed. “I still brought you information. I gave you a head’s up even.”

“I could’ve learned this through my court,” Dominic said, slipping a joint from his shirt pocket and lighting it.

I watched as the cherry bobbed in the dim light and he inhaled deeply.

“But you learned it faster through me,” Fallon shot back.

“I was already aware De Luca was becoming a problem. You only confirmed it.”

“Man, what do you want from me? I know you want to make me suffer for fucking your girl, but she was my girl too!”

“You were going to betray her and set her loose in a sex trafficking ring. I hardly call that love,” Vincent said conversationally. There was a bite to his voice which made my stomach tighten. He was right though.

“I was going to come back for her,” Fallon snarled. “You pricks were going to put a bullet in her head in the woods and then bury her where no one would find her.”

“But we didn’t,” Dominic said easily. “Had you had your way, you’d have finished what you started.”

“And if Seeley hadn’t pussied out, she’d be dead. We both would be! You keep fucking punishing me for a situation where there was no good way to handle!”

“Let’s not split hairs here. Bianca,” Dominic snapped.

I glanced at him with wide eyes as I tried to focus on his two faces.

“Come.” Dominic patted his thigh.

I shuffled over to him, aware Fallon’s eyes were locked on every step. When I got to Dominic, he pulled me onto his lap.

“Wasp, tell Fallon how you feel.”

I swallowed. “I’m really drunk. And pretty high.”

Vincent let out a huff of soft laughter as Dominic sighed.

“I meant about him. About the shit he put you through. About how he deserves to pay just a little bit.”

“You hurt me,” I whispered, trying to keep my words from slurring. “I-I love you like I love my kings, but I’m mad at you. I want you to join us. I-I want you to prove yourself, so I don’t feel like a total idiot for letting you in again.”

“I know, princess,” he choked out. “I know, and I will.”

“We don’t deal in dead promises. Don’t tell us what you will do. Show us,” Dominic said, running his fingers through my hair. “The good, the faithful, the fucking loyal, get rewarded when you’re a king. Was the incentive I gave you already not enough?”

Fallon swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic