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Iclung to Vincent as he gave me a piggyback ride through the darkened campus. We passed two security guards, who quickly looked away like they hadn’t seen us. Or maybe there was only one. I was seeing double after everything I’d consumed earlier.

“Where—” Vincent nipped at my fingers when I tried to pinch his lips together, making me giggle. “—we going?” he finished.

“I’m thinking Bianca’s vacant dorm. Everyone in her building is probably still at the dip, so it makes it easier,” Dominic said as he sent a text message from beside us.

I reached out for him. His fingers immediately twined through mine as he gazed at me through the darkness.

“Be careful,” he warned, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. “I don’t need you falling and getting hurt. Hold onto Vincent.”

“I won’t drop her,” Vincent promised as he hefted me higher above his hips and kept moving. “She weighs nothing. I could probably run all the way to her dorm and not be out of breath.”

“That’s because you’re so delicious,” I said, pulling my hand from Dominic’s to rub Vincent’s washboard abs beneath his shirt.

He let out a grunt.

“I can go lower,” I slurred, my head spinning.

Dominic and Vincent had force-fed me alcohol and weed all night. I was lucky I could remember my own name.

“Wasp,” Dominic reprimanded from beside me.

There wasn’t any bite to his tone though which only made me eager to push for more.

“You know,” I murmured, looking over to the two blurry Dominics walking beside us. “I’m baby B. I’m wasp. I’m… bum-bumblebee,” I said the last part with a quake to the word. “You should be, like, hornet ass or something.”

Vincent let out a burst of laughter as Dominic closed his eyes briefly before yanking open the door to my building without a word.

“Come on, hornet ass,” Vincent chortled as we stepped into the elevator. “Get your key out.”

“Hornet ass?” Dominic asked, raising his brows at me. “Really?”

I blinked innocently at him. “You don’t like it?”

He snorted and shook his head as the elevator dinged on my floor. We walked to my door. I slid off Vincent’s back and stumbled, nearly hitting the wall before he caught and dragged me against his body.

“Easy, baby B. Can’t let you get hurt. Hornet ass would get pissed.”

“Get in the fucking room,” Dominic grumbled, shaking his head again and letting out a sigh like he was a fed-up parent ready to kick our asses.

That was just encouragement as far as I was concerned.

I eased away from Vincent and danced into my room, singing some made-up song about Dominic’s hornet ass. Inside, I flopped back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, the spins taking hold and making me groan.

“Dizzy?” Vincent asked, sitting beside me.

I nodded. “But I like it. I feel good.”

“Good,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss me. His warm lips met mine briefly before he pulled away, leaving me wanting.

I figured Dominic would’ve swooped in and stopped the kiss, so I peeked to see what he was doing. Once more, he was frowning at his phone, not paying us a bit of attention.

“He’s trying to get through to Vasiliev.” Vincent raked his fingers through my hair affectionately. “Then he’ll yell at us.”

“I can hear you,” Dominic muttered, not bothering to look at us. “Don’t worry. You’ll both be taught a lesson soon enough.”

“Sounds like an invitation to make it worth the punishment.” Vincent grinned down at me. “Right, baby?”

“Definitely,” I mumbled, eager to take whatever they wanted to the next level.

His fingers traced down my throat and across my collarbone. A knock on the door stopped Vincent’s hand halfway to my breast. He dropped his hand back onto his lap and offered me an apologetic wink. “Later, B.”

I curled against him as Dominic opened the door and Fallon quickly stepped inside looking windswept.

“You’re late,” Dominic said.

“Sorry. I was dealing with Tate,” he mumbled. “He wanted me to do this shit called sugar with him before I left and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“Sugar?” Vincent asked.

Fallon glanced at Vincent then me, a smile softening his features. I sat up and swayed. Vincent wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me from toppling over.

Fallon’s lips shook before he cleared his throat and spoke, “It’s some new street drug. There’s a new guy in town. Goes by the name De Luca. Old money. Old ties. Guess he and his crew are really expanding. Tate got hold of some of his product, and he and Drake were tasked with trying it out. Guess they wanted me in on it too.”

“I see,” Dominic said, frowning.

I wish he’d smile morewas the first thought that popped into my head.

“It’s good shit,” Fallon continued, standing awkwardly in the room.

“You tried it?” Dominic strode to my overstuffed chair and sank onto it.

“It’s why I’m late.”

Dominic nodded for a moment before saying what was apparently on his mind, “This De Luca guy… what else do you know about him?”

“Just that he’s the heir to some big organization that doesn’t fuck around. They say he’s pretty ruthless and his right-hand man is fucking insane. They’re running the east side. They’re leaking into Bratva territory and yours,” he said the last words softer.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic