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“Congratulations,” he said before leaning in and speaking into my ear, “But I sample the bride, or I kill her. That plan is still good as far as I’m concerned. I’d hate to make my son a widower so soon. If I kill her, I’ll still fuck her. Understand that I will take what I want, Son.” He stepped away from me, leaving me barely able to control my rage.

“Sir, what are we doing with the Vasiliev kid?” Levin asked, diverting the attention from me.

“Ah, yes. The littler traitor. Is he of any use?”

“Yes,” I snarled. “I have a use for him.”

“So be it. Make it worthwhile, or I’ll make him suck your dick before I blow his head off. If I remember, you didn’t much like all that blood on you.” He went back to his seat and sat, giving me an even look. He wanted me to challenge him. Punishing me excited him.

“It’ll be worthwhile.” I drew in a deep breath before speaking again, “Natalia Vasiliev. I want her in my palace. I want her untouched. She’s a bargaining chip in my plans. I need her safe, so when the time comes, I can unleash hell on her and her snake of a brother.”

Father inclined his head. “Acceptable. The palace is your gem. Do as you see fit. We won’t wait for long though. So make sure whatever plan you have in mind, you execute it sooner rather than later. The girl is rather tender. Tearing her apart appeals greatly to me.” He peered past me to Levin. “I’m sure you’d love to watch your father fuck her ass until she bleeds. For Stefan.”

I didn’t need to look at Levin to know he was coiled and ready to pounce.

“The girl remains safe,” I cut in.

“You have my word. For now. We’re done here. Go.” He swiveled his chair toward the window, dismissing me.

I marched from the room, my guys at my back.

Shit hadn’t gone to plan, but at least Bianca would live. For now. But not without a little suffering first.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic