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“Is the girl dead?”Father leveled his gaze on me as I sat across from him with Levin and Vincent standing behind me. Father lifted a cigar from the box on his desk as he awaited my answer.

I cleared my throat. “No.”

“No?” He raised his dark brows at me, resting his elbows on the top of the polished mahogany. “Is she with you?”

“She is not. There's been a change in plans.”

He dropped the cigar and steepled his fingers as he stared me down. “Enlighten me.”

“In the spirit of fucking over the Bratva and pissing off D’Angelou, I opted for another route.” I locked gazes with my father, taking in the controlled expression on his face. I knew the wrong answer would set him flying into a fit of rage. I felt the tension in Levin and Vincent behind me, ready to go out shooting if it came down to it.

“I married her.”

The silence in the room was palpable as my father studied me. I stared back at him, refusing to allow him to intimidate me.

Finally, he let out a boom of laughter. “You married her?”

“I did,” I said firmly, my voice strong.

He chortled again, his whole body shaking. When he finally seemed to calm down, he picked up his cigar and lit it. Casually, he sank back in his leather chair.

“Tell me, Domenico, are you in love with the girl?”

I knew better than admit to a weakness, so I answered in a strong voice, “I do not love her. She's a key which could prove fruitful. A potential bargaining chip. I see no reason why I'd throw her away when I could use her.”

Father took a puff of his cigar and blew out the smoke, letting it circle his head like a tarnished halo. “You’ve taken me by surprise, boy. I thought you’d bring me her tits on a platter, but instead, you bring me a key. Clever. I hadn’t considered it.” He grew quiet for a moment before speaking again, “Did the girl fight you on the marriage?”

“She slapped me in the face and tried to escape.”

He grinned, only wicked humor in the gesture. “I do love when they fight. Have you fucked her?”

The guys shifted behind me as I leaned forward, willing to play whatever the fuck game he wanted to play. “Yes. I painted her sheets red with her virginity.”

His grin widened. “You’re a wicked boy, Domenico. But I suppose maybe you are a man now. Your mother would hate your blackened soul. You’re too much like me. Tell me, was she worth the slap to the face?”

I knew what he was doing. Testing me. Trying to find a chink in my armor. I steeled myself. “No woman slaps me and gets away with it. She was punished accordingly.”

Father eased forward. “If she steps out of line, a night at your new palace could make her appreciate what she has with you.”

I nodded tightly. “It would, but I prefer being able to dole out punishment to my wife on my own. I find it… satisfying.”

“I like that.” He wagged his cigar-laden finger at me. “Beat her. Train her to stay in line. Make her a better woman than your mother was. And if you can’t, we can always be more creative with her punishments. So now, tell me your plan.”

“I intend to break the news to D’Angelou. I assume we’ll go to war for real now. Either because he’s pissed I took her or pissed I’ve ruined his plans with the Ivanovs. Either way, there'll be blood in the streets, or they’ll lie down like dogs at our feet. We’ll rule as we’re meant to.”

Father grew contemplative for a moment before he pushed his box of cigars at me. I took one and lit it, inhaling the sweet taste.

“Then I suppose I should meet your queen, shouldn’t I?”

I blew out smoke, remaining as calm as I could. The last fucking thing I wanted was him meeting Bianca. “Just say when.”

He gave me a sinister smirk. “How about we do it at your wedding reception? We’ll make an official announcement of your nuptials. It won’t take long for word to reach the Ivanovs and D’Angelou.”

“I’ll make the arrangements.” I puffed the cigar to mask my rage.

He relaxed in his seat again, a tiny smirk on his face which made chills race over my skin. “It's tradition in our family to allow the father to sample the bride. We do it before the marriage, but since this is a little out of order, I'll forgive the delay. Bring her to me before the reception so that I may have a taste.”

I ground my teeth, knowing this was all part of the test. I rose to my feet, needing air before I completely lost it on him and shot him between the fucking eyes.

“Regardless of traditions, she's already my wife. I make the decisions on who samples her.”

“Ah, protective, are we?” He let out a soft laugh and stood as I backed toward the door, Levin and Vincent moving with me.

They’d been quiet like they tended to be around my father.

Father approached me and clapped me on the shoulder.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic