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Ileaned against a small alcove in the alley behind the science building as I stared down at my phone. Vasiliev was already five minutes late. I scrubbed my hand down my face, my irritation already at its peak for the day.

Dealing with Bianca was a nightmare sent from hell. She was sassy and fierce, making me want her even more. But she resisted my come-ons, shoving me away. And after me forcing my way between her legs—even though she'd enjoyed it—I swore I’d attempt to keep myself in check. I wasn’t that guy, and I had no excuse for my actions other than I was a monster.

But I was a fucking monster who loved her just the same.

It was a strange world. I’d never felt anything quite like this before, and I wasn’t sure how to navigate these new feelings. On one hand, I wanted to fuck her senseless, whether she wanted me to or not. On the other hand, I wanted to kiss her and whisper to her all the things I felt and have her tell me she loved and wanted me too. The two parts of me were battling with one another. And I was just rolling with whatever the fuck happened.

“You’re late,” I said as Vasiliev stepped into the hidden nook with me.

“Yeah, sorry,” he grunted, his face still bruised and swollen. It was beginning to look better though. “Tate was up my ass about something.”

“I hope not literally.”

He scowled at me. “I’m here. What do you need?”

I let out a soft, dangerous laugh. “I need you to remember who the fuck you’re talking to.”

He glared at me. “How's Bianca?”

“My wife is fine,” I said, surveying the anger and resentment on his busted face.

He nodded. “When can I see her?”

“You know.” I leaned against the brick wall and lit a joint before taking a deep hit and blowing out the smoke. “You fucked my wife.”

“More than once,” he added.

I laughed at that. Vasiliev had balls, that was for sure. It didn’t piss me off any less.

“Why’d you do it? What made you brave enough to fuck a king’s girl?”

He stared me down for a moment before speaking, “Because I fell for her. I fell hard the moment I first laid eyes on her. I tried to protect her when she was with Hail. Bianca is… everything,” he finished with a shrug.

I nodded, hating some other motherfucker was in love with her, but shit, what wasn’t there to love about my little wasp?

“And yet you were going to hand her over to a life of fucking horror. What a way to demonstrate your love, but maybe it’s different for you lords.”

“It wasn’t like that,” he snarled. “I would've come back for her. It wouldn’t have gotten that far—”

“Then that shows what you know. A tender, pretty girl like Bianca in my father’s clutches wouldn’t have lasted a day. Know your fucking enemy. That’s a pro tip from me.”

“I fucked up. I admit it. I was desperate and stupid. In a way, I’m grateful you tried to kill me. You saved the day just like I thought you would.”

I scoffed at him. “You got lucky. That’s it.”

“Thank you,” he said softly. “I know you didn’t have to extend your mercy to me, but you did, and, for that, I’m grateful. I want this chance to prove my worth not only to Bianca, but to the kings.”

I surveyed him. Nothing in the way he stared back at me made me doubt his sincerity. As much as I wanted to view him as a sneaky little weasel, I really couldn’t. He loved her. I could see it. I could hear it. I could feel it coming off him in waves. Bianca had that effect on those under her spell.

“When can I see her?” he asked again.

“Are you asking to see her or fuck her?”


I smirked at him, nothing humorous in the gesture. “Let me set you straight on something. Bianca is my wife. She belongs to the kings. You are not a king. Therefore, you have zero claim to anything pertaining to her. You’re lucky we even let you live.”

His throat bobbed as he stared at me. “Don’t use me and then take her from me. I'm loyal to those I love, and I fucking love her. What do I need to do to become a king so I can have my girl?”

Tension corded through my body. Memories of the look on Bianca’s face when she realized he was still alive flooded my mind. To keep her, I had to let him live. Maybe even join us.

“Every fucking thing I tell you to do. Without question. Right now, you aren’t earning any points.”

He pursed his lips and studied me for a moment before speaking, “Give me something. Anything. I need a sliver of hope. Just let me hold her for a moment—”

“She’s not a fucking puppy, and you’re not a child,” I snapped at him. “She is my wife, so fall the fuck in line, or I’ll kill you myself this time.”

He glared at me, and his hands tightened into fists. “I want to know I’m not just a pawn and that you mean what you say.”

“Are you questioning me?”

That muscle ticked along his jaw as he gritted his teeth.

“Because if you are, you’re out. No one fucking questions me. Got it?”

“Got it,” he ground out.

Fucking Christ.This was ridiculous. And not just the situation. The shit going on in my head. I understood where the asshole was coming from, and I knew I had to give Bianca something to cling to as well so she’d give me half a fucking chance. I knew just demanding it of her wouldn’t fly, so I’d have to make some adjustments. But I worried if I made concessions, it would look like I was soft and giving in. The last thing I needed was anyone thinking I was a pushover when I wasn’t. Except maybe for her.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic