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“Oh, I hope you do so I can teach you a damn good lesson,” he said in a silky voice as he hauled her body against his, his fingers threading through her soft locks.

I ground my teeth as that ugly bubble of jealousy inflated in my chest again. She didn’t pull away from him. Not really. She simply rested her hands on his chest and gazed up at him. They seemed to share some sort of weird silent conversation with one another for a moment before he gave her a wicked smirk and leaned down to kiss her.

Or at least I thought he was going to kiss her. He bit her lip instead, making her hiss.

“Be good, wasp,” was all he said as she glared up at him.


“Then be bad. Either way, I win.” He shoved her at Vincent, who caught her easily in his arms, immediately winding them around her so she couldn’t escape. “Watch my wife. I have business to attend to with Vasiliev.” And with that, Dom turned and left us with Bianca.

“You smell nice,” Vincent said as he breathed her in.

“It’s called essence of fuck you,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs.

He let out a whoosh of air and released her.

I wrapped my hand around her wrist when she attempted to dart off and yanked her back despite her angry glare.

“Nothing has changed,” I said. “You belong to us. We watch you. We’ll continue to follow you. You'll have a bigger target on your head once word gets out that your last name changed.”

“Let me go,” she snarled at me, trying to wrench her arm free of my hold. She winced because I tightened my hand.

“You know the rules. Stick to them, and stop making this fucking miserable,” I snapped at her.

“Or what? You’ll take me out to the woods and really shoot me next time?”

I snarled and yanked her to me. “Yes. One less pain in my ass would be fucking heaven, bumblebee.”

She visibly swallowed as she stared me down, her lips parting. I buried my emotions and continued to hold her gaze.

“I hate you all.”

“Trust me, I feel the same,” I said, pushing her into Vincent, who once again wrapped his arms around her.

“I don’t feel that way at all,” he said, giving her a squeeze. “I know you know how I feel.”

She relaxed against him, her back flush with his front.

“And maybe later, I can show you,” he continued.

I turned away, nausea twisting my guts again. I had to get my shit under control.

“You want me to cheat on my husband already?” she asked.

“Hell, I want your husband to join us.”

She let out a soft laugh before she spun in his arms and stared up at him, her lips a fraction from his. “I’m not going to fuck any of you ever again, so feel free to go fuck yourself.”

“Ouch, baby B. That’s a little harsh. You know I love the shit out of you.”

She scoffed and looked away, but Vincent took her by the chin and brought her focus back to him.

“I do. You know I do,” he murmured, leaning into her. “So does Dom and Levin. Don’t punish us for doing what we thought was right.”

“It isn’t right to do what you did,” she said, her voice quaking with emotion. “None of you are without sin. Every single one of you hurt me in some way. Some more than others.”

“This isn’t the same world you’re used to. We live differently here. Violently. Dangerously. If we didn’t care, we would've killed you both.”

“But it was the plan,” she argued.

“We didn’t want it to be. Whether you want to believe it or not, Levin saved your life.”

“Why didn’t you save me?”

I bit the inside of my jaw as I listened to them. She didn’t give a shit that I’d stuck my neck out for her and her piece of shit lover boy.

“We already talked about this,” Vince said, cradling her face in his hand. “I needed to help Levin find out who killed Stefan—”

“She doesn’t give a shit. Stop trying to convince her,” I snapped, shoving him in the shoulder and taking her away from him. I pushed her forward, causing her to stumble a bit. “Fucking walk so we can get this day over with.”

“Easy, dick,” Vincent said, nudging me aside to catch up to Bianca, who didn’t even bother glaring at me as she took off, her ass swaying in her uniform.

I knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose and was absolutely pissed off at me, but it didn’t stop it from happening. It just made everything worse. She was the epitome of perfection and didn’t even know it. At least to me she was. And the kings. And apparently that little shit nozzle Vasiliev.

I let out a sigh as Vincent fell in step with her and smacked her on the ass. She elbowed him, causing him to laugh.

Sometimes I wished I were more like Vincent. He lived a life where he found the good and humor in everything.

Even when our girl told us she hated us. In her hatred, he’d find the silver lining.

As for me, it looked like I’d just watch him do it since there wasn’t shit else I could do but wait it out and try to bury any semblance of feelings I had in the meantime.

Life was a bitch like that.

Tags: K.G. Reuss Kings of Bolten Erotic