Page 51 of The Bartered Soul

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The note is indeed sealed with the dark green wax I associate with Lennox, and I shove part of the biscuit in my mouth before cracking the seal:

I assume you had another meeting with Marie – I hope you’re all right. Tomorrow is the full moon, will you celebrate with me on the beach? The locals will be pleased. As would I.

I will be away today and tomorrow handling business, but I will meet you downstairs tomorrow evening at seven o’clock. –B

Setting the paper down on the tray, I lean back in my chair. I now have another day to amuse myself on the island with no plans. Pouring a cup of tea to clear my foggy mind, I nibble at the remaining biscuit, hoping it will be enough to prevent my headache from worsening.

After breakfast is finished, I take the time to sort through all of the belongings I have with me. My hands settle on the silver robe Lennox gifted me, luminous in the trunk. The only sign it’s been worn at all is a faint stain of sea spray on the hem. The memory of the ceremony on the deck drifts through my mind like the warm breeze fluttering the curtains. Lifting the silky fabric, I gently lay it on the bed, placing the coordinating jewelry with it. The thought of wearing them tomorrow, here, on the beach with Lennox, has my eyes drifting shut, a smile ghosting across my lips.

Sometime later, I sort the rest of my clothing into piles based on climate. My three lightweight dresses — the floral cotton I wore the first night to Marie’s, the midnight blue linen I wore yesterday, and the simple grey linen that I wore the day we arrived — I place where they are easily accessible. On a whim, I also set a pair of linen trousers and a few shirts that can be worn with them to the side. The other wool items and my fine fur-lined cloak I pack back into the bottom of the trunk, assuming I won't be needing them for a long while.

The flimsy costumes I included in my trunk from the House of Starlight lay in a gauzy pile. I chew the inside of my cheek as I mull over what to do with them, but in the end make no final decision, kicking them to the side and closing the top of the trunk.

The seamstress assured me that the items I requested from her should arrive within a few days, but for the time being, I have a choice between the three dresses. I gravitate to the dark purple floral for the day, carefully braiding back my hair and tucking it tightly in a knot at my neck to relieve the heat of the day. Once dressed, I make my way out of my room to descend into the sun-dappled courtyard below.

After a few inquiries with the servants who mill about with trays of breakfast, and a brisk walk down one of the side corridors, I find myself outside Lyra’s door. After a light knock, I announce myself, and the door opens quickly with a smile. Lyra’s hair is still in a disarray of tight curls, but she is clothed for the day.

“Good morning, Lyra. Would you like to explore today?” I ask, a small smile of my own tickling my lips as I raise my brows in a conspiratorial look.

“Andromeda! Of course, I’d love to! Come in while I finish getting ready.” She steps away from the door to allow me entry, gesturing for me to sit down as she dashes to the vanity to finish her toilette.

I glance around at the grand room while I wait — Marie has taken great pains to keep her granddaughter in comfort here. Gowns lay scattered about the space and Lyra wears a dress similar to those her grandmother prefers — multiple patterns mixed with creatively clashing colors that look spectacular against her naturally tanned skin. She wraps her hair in a scarf like Marie did yesterday, pinning it in place, and turns to join me where I sit next to a pot of tea. Conveniently, the service has two cups provided, so we share a cup while the sun glows brighter through the shades.

“Where would you like to visit today?” Lyra asks as we prepare to leave her room.

“I’d love to see the town — I haven’t seen anything more than here, the tavern, the tailor, and your grandmother’s.” I smile to disguise the slight shudder I feel at the memory of lunch yesterday. “Is there an apothecary or herbalist? I’m eager to learn more about my potential new home.”

Truthfully, I want to get the measure of the inhabitants. Thus far, I have been respected as a guest of Marie and acquaintance of Captain Lennox, but what are the townspeople really like when I don’t have two powerful leaders watching over me?

“Oh yes! Grandmama is very close with the apothecary. She hopes I might be able to help there depending on what you’ve taught me. Let’s go there first, then we can explore the shops and maybe one of the beaches?” Lyra is practically jumping up and down at the chance to feel normal, so we link arms and head down the stairs and out into the warm sunshine.

Chapter 30

The apothecary shop is on the main street, not far from the tavern where we met Maryanne. The building itself is painted bright coral, nestled in between two similar structures that appear to be more boarding houses. As we push the spring green door open, a small bell overhead jingles and loud rustling sounds emanate from beyond the swinging door behind the counter.

“Just a moment!” A feminine voice calls from what I assume is a storage area, but my mind is distracted as I stand in awe of the bottles and vials lining the walls. The stock is shockingly varied for a small island, and the tinctures are multihued as the sun glints on their dark bottles. I resist the urge to stroke the glass with my fingertips, pulling back as a lovely woman steps from the back room.

Her rich copper hair is braided back from her brow in a style similar to mine – the color reflecting the sunlight coming through the wavy glass, surrounding her freckled, heart-shaped face with gilded flames. While she is stunning, her smooth creamy skin isn’t what makes my eyes widen. A muted sigil sits above her brows, identical to my own. I gasp at the recognition — she is a priestess.

She pauses behind the counter, glancing up at us with a smile. When she catches my expression, her smile falters and turns into the same shock I wear. We stare at each other in silence, words lost to both of us, but Lyra, always effervescent, breaks the silence. “You must be Siobhan! My grandmama, Marie, spoke so highly of you!”

Siobhan drags her eyes from me as she turns to Lyra, her mouth snapping shut as she visibly shakes her head to clear her thoughts. “Of course! Lyra, correct? Mistress Marie has spoken of you many times, she even mentioned you might be coming by to talk. Is this your teacher then?”

At her question, Siobhan turns her light blue eyes to me, a small smile lifting the edges of her thin lips. Her voice has a light burr and I gather she must be from the Northern part of Selennia — another refugee running from the King.

“Yes, this is Andromeda.” Lyra’s hand drifts down to grip mine, and I allow it, knowing the touch comforts and encourages the young woman. “She began teaching me on the voyage here. I would love to keep learning and help you if you need assistance,” Lyra explains.

“Andromeda?” Siobhan’s brows raise as she repeats my name with curiosity. It isn’t a common one.

“Priestess,” I greet her, inclining my head, and a pleasant laugh bubbles from the apothecary’s lips at my greeting. She toys with a heavy torc that rests on her delicate collarbones, the twisted gold the only adornment to her simple, grey linen dress.

“It’s been an age since someone greeted me so; I am sure you feel the same. How is it you come here, Sister?” she asks, her voice soothing to my ears.

“A long story, but I arrived with Lyra aboard the Bartered Soul,” I reply, glancing at my bracelet.

“Ah, it might be a long story, but not an unusual one. I arrived here a few years back aboard the same ship. Seems as though we may have much to discuss. Are you also seeking work?” Siobhan inquires, looking hopeful.

I turn to hide my surprise at finding out she was also carried away on Lennox’s ship, looking at the selection of remedies, teas, tonics, and cosmetics on the shelves with true wonder.

Tags: L.B. Benson Historical