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“Well, no... not on your own. I’ll escort you, of course” He tossed the ragged black cloak over my shoulders. The material reached all the way to the floor, completely enveloping me in the dark color.

“Is this yours?” I lifted my arms in the heavy material, trying to inspect the dirty, foreign garment.

“It was.” He grinned. “Now it belongs to you. It should help you stay concealed during the night. Your dress is lovely, but I’m afraid yellow doesn’t work well when trying to be stealthy.”

“I can’t argue with that,” I admitted with a nod. I began to consider the legitimacy of his plan when a rush of discouragement met me. “If I manage to escape the property, won’t the hunter simply find me after he completes his inspection here? I certainly can’t outrun a horse, and he already suspects that I’m in the area. If I leave now, surely he will find me by tomorrow.” My heart grew heavy as I spoke of this impending reality.

“You’re correct,” Elias replied without worry. My confusion spurred forward as he flashed me a cheeky grin. “That is why I will stay behind and create more “disturbances” around the house to keep him busy for a few days.” His grin stretched wide with self-assurance, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“My... that may actually work.” I giggled at the thought of Elias spoofing the respected bounty hunter. “Do you truly think you can keep him here?”

“Of course!” He nodded confidently. “If a few messed beds and a bowl of porridge was enough to make them worry, then I’m certain I can whip up a few other mysteries.” His smiling face turned away as he placed a money pouch into the canvas bag. He then outstretched the bag, expecting me to take it from him.

“Oh no,” I stepped back from the offering, “I couldn’t possibly take money from you. I have already been enough trouble.”

His boyish grin shifted into a gentle smile, and without speaking, he approached me, and placed the bag over my shoulder. I tried to fight the gesture, but he pursued regardless.

“Consider it a gift,” he said after releasing the bag onto me. “For making me smile and laugh—it’s a rare treat that I get to enjoy another’s company in such a way.” His eyes lingered on mine for an extra moment. The strangest desire not to leave passed through my mind, but I quickly pushed it away without question. Elias was a kind friend but staying would only cause him problems.

“Thank you,” I said in defeat. “I promise I’ll repay you someday… once all this madness has passed.”

He smiled at me once more then approached the door. “Are you ready?’ He held his hand out to me in invitation.

I gulped, feeling nervous now for the task at hand. “I am.” I accepted his outstretched hand, which felt warm and comforting. I fought the urge to squeeze it as I would with my skirts when I was nervous. He turned his attention away from me, looking at the now observing Bear.

“Come along, Bear,” he summoned the beast to his side. “We’re going for a walk.”

chapter twelve

It was long-past sundown, so the halls were silent. Elias, Bear, and I tiptoed quietly through the upper floor of the house, carefully avoiding the master’s and mistress’ rooms. My oversized cloak brushed lightly along the floor, and I began to fret that I might trip on the extra length. Elias led me by hand, carefully checking each corner before making any turns.

Bear was the calmest member of our trio. After he heard the word “walk,” he had erupted into a joyous smile. He trotted calmly by Elias’s side and even halted with us at each turn. I was comforted by the dog’s presence since I knew from experience that he could act as a shield if necessary. When we reached the top of the steps, Elias stopped once more.

“Wait here,” he whispered in my ear. “I’ll go down first and make sure it’s clear. Stay with Bear until I signal for you.”

“Alright.” I nodded. He gestured for Bear to sit, which he did obediently.

The two of us waited apprehensively as Elias proceeded down the steps. I watched from the balcony as he casually inspected each side room for any lingering servants. After reviewing the full space, he produced a small key from his pocket and unlocked the front door. My heart soared at the beautiful sound of the lock clicking open. He stepped outside for a moment, causing Bear to lurch slightly after his master. I held him by his thick fur, and he quickly settled from my assurance. After what felt like an eternity later, Elias poked his head back into the entry hall and waved for Bear and md to follow.

The two of us quietly crept down the stairs. I winced at the sound of Bear’s claws clicking across the polished steps—the noise was deafening in such an echoing room. When we finally touched the floor, we picked up our pace and met Elias at the door. My adrenaline pumped through me as I took my first step into the brisk night air. I took in a deep breath, relishing in the sweet freedom.

“Look over there.” Elias’s words broke through my bliss as he pointed at the lantern glow far in the distance. The light source was held by a tall burley man who was currently looking upward into a climbable tree. My joy drained as I caught sight of his intimidating form.

“What do we do?” I fell into a crouch, feeling far too exposed on the front step.

“Just follow me,” he said evenly. “As far as anyone needs to know, I’m only walking Bear. If he gets too close, wrap up in your cloak and slip into the bushes. I know a spot in the fence you could fit through.” He reached for my hand and I gave it willingly. Without breaking stride, he led me down the front steps in the opposite direction of the hunter’s light.

My pulse eased as the lamp grew dimmer with each passing step. Bear remained alongside us, only pausing once to quickly relieve himself. My feet crunched loudly over twigs and fallen leaves. Without thinking, I tightened my grip on Elias’s hand to redirect my nerves. He flinched at the pressure, and I nearly pulled away in embarrassment. But before I could, he squeezed my hand back in reassurance. My nerves melted away.Curious...they had never fled so easily when I clutched my skirts.

“We’re here.” Elias froze in his tracks where we stood at the back corner of the iron fence that spanned the width of the property. Trying to adjust to the dark, I narrowed my eyes and noticed what Elias had been referring to.

It was the same opening I had snuck through upon my arrival. The broken fence rod lay awkwardly against the rest of the frame. It was a small opening, but I managed it last time, so I knew I could do it again.

I turned to Elias with a smile. “I can fit.” His face was shadowed by the lighted windows behind him, but I could still see his smile. “I suppose this is goodbye.”

His smile faded, as did mine.

“I’m afraid so.” His voice sounded far sadder than I had anticipated. Bear must have caught some form of understanding, because he too appeared glum. I reached out and scratched his ears one final time.

Tags: Abigail Manning The Emerald Realm Fantasy