Page 34 of Lovestruck


Itake a gulp of coffee as I slice the carrots. It’s something normal to help with the insanity of last night. I was stupid enough to stick around to see the love of my life fuck my brother. I’d been furious listening to them, but then I had to look because I’m a goddamn masochist.

Seeing Olivia’s glorious body, watching her come for my brother, riding his cock, touching herself, it made me harder than I thought I could be. Then her eyes were on me. Instead of panicking, instead of stopping or pointing me out to Chase, she kept going, as if she liked being on display. And then the real show started. She moaned louder, watched me, touched herself, welcomed my gaze on her tits, her wet pussy bouncing on my brother’s cock.

A live porn show featuring my favorite person. How could I resist pulling my cock out and rubbing it? There was something about watching her instead of being the one under her that made it hotter. Especially knowing I could get caught, that I wasn’tsupposedto be watching.

I came when Chase did, while I fantasized about controlling it all, telling her exactly how to work her gorgeous body. He filled her pussy and I splattered against the side of the house. They cleaned up, I cleaned up, then Olivia was gone. I took the walk of shame to my room and had a long conversation with myself about exactly how deep I could sink into depravity.

Shaking my head, I refocus on the ingredients for my smoothie. Chopping them, putting them in the blender, then liquifying them until it’s a good consistency. There’s only one way for me to escape my guilt and shame.

I have to tell Chase.

As if he can read my mind, he walks into the kitchen with a stupid smile on his face. He scratches the back of his head and exhales. “Really, man? A carrot smoothie? Are you that worried about aging?”

“I’m not as young as I used to be. Proper nutrition matters. You’ll learn that lesson soon enough.”

“Bacon feeds the soul.”

“It will kill you.”

“Nah, I’m not as old as you.” Chase chuckles. “Fine, a bagel?”

I point him to the bag in the bread cupboard and watch as he prepares it. I don’t want to have this conversation, but it needs to happen. Which means I need to be calm. After all, I have an idea that can get us all what we want.

He might not like it.Idon’t like it. But it’s the only way.

“I need to tell you something.”

Chase wipes the cream cheese off his cheek and sits back in his chair. “Sounds serious.”

“The girl you’re dating? I know her.”

He groans and nods once as he digests it. He shakes his head and drops his fist on the counter. “Of course you do. So, what now? You’re going to tell me why I shouldn’t keep seeing her? Is she some money-hungry bitch like you warned?”

“No. Chase…that girl is Olivia.MyOlivia.” I’d heard him call her Sylvia and didn’t realize why. I guess she didn’t want to be herself when they met.

Chase’s body tenses. I’m half-afraid he’s going to break his teeth by clenching his jaw that hard. He exhales slowly, but his eyes are on fire. I see the fury raging under his skin, the same kind of anger I’d seen before he’d throw a punch when we were younger.

“Stephen…if you’re bullshitting me….”

I shake my head and pour the smoothie into a glass. “No bullshit.” I take a drink and stare at my glass. “I’m not trying to sabotage anything. I know how amazing she is. If she has to end up with someone else, I’m glad it’s someone like you.”

“So, I’m banging your ex. What makes that your business?” Then he stands. “Are you fucking watching us when we’re—”

“The point is,” I interrupt, keeping my voice even because I can’t go down this rabbit hole when I’m already having to bite the bullet in this fucking situation, “I’m still…bangingher too.”

Chase stares at me then shakes his head. “No. This is you bullshitting me. If you want me to leave, then just—”

“You were late to the party last night. I ran into her. Sparks flew and all that.” I exhale. “It was a lapse in judgment, but we had sex. I didn’t mean for any ofthisto happen. I still love her. I don’t want to jeopardize your situation or relationship, but you deserve to know the truth. And I wanted to be up-front.”

Chase’s face goes red again and his eyes slide to me. It’s like he’s measuring me up for a fight. He clutches the counter. “So, what the fuck am I supposed to do with all this information?” he asks, indignant.

“Chase…” I try to calm him, but he shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair.

“I guess I managed to meet the wrong girl.”

“She’s not the wrong girl. She’s the right girl, especially for you.” I grit my teeth as I admit it. “There’s no way she’s going to get back into anything serious with me. If she does, her father will kill me.

Tags: Barbi Cox Erotic