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They all dropped and got started, with only Cael standing there.

“You too, sweetheart. No favoritism.”

Cael narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying Sloane never showed Dex favoritism?”

Sloane shook his head. “Not where training was concerned. In fact, you know better than anyone that I was harder on him than the rest of you.”

Cael huffed. “Fine.” He joined everyone else, grumbling as they followed orders.

“When you’re done here, I’ll see you guys in the conference room,” Sloane said, waving at them as Ash walked with him out of the training bay. Ash grinned wide and threw an arm around Sloane’s shoulders.

“You know, I think I’m gonna enjoy this whole Team Leader thing.”

Heaven help them.

Sloane’s phone went off. It was a text from Sparks. Dr. Winters was ready for him. “I gotta go see the doc.”

“Good luck.” Ash gave his shoulder a pat. “I’ll let you know if we hear anything from Austen.”


SLOANE LEFT Ash and headed back upstairs to Dr. Winters’s office. As soon as he’d walked into the waiting room, the door to Dr. Winters’s office opened, and Dex walked out. Butterflies fluttered in Sloane’s stomach at the sight of Dex’s beautiful smile. He loved that Dex still caused that reaction in him. Sloane returned Dex’s smile and waited as Dex made his way over. He laid a hand on Sloane’s upper arm, squeezing subtly.

“Try not to give away too many of my secrets,” Dex teased, winking at Sloane before he walked off. Sloane shook his head in amusement. He joined Dr. Winters, greeting him as he walked through the door.

Winters closed the door with a smile. “Sloane. Thank you for seeing me. As I told Dex, I know this is a most inopportune time, but circumstances dictate we make sure you and your team have the support you need.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” Sloane took a seat on the couch, picking up Dex’s scent on the throw pillow beside him. He took it and placed it on his lap.

Winters smiled warmly at him. “I’m happy to see he brings you comfort.”

Sloane tilted his head in question, and Winters motioned to the pillow. “His scent is on that pillow. I imagine it’s why you picked it up.”

“Oh, um, yeah,” Sloane replied with a sheepish grin.

“You’ve both brought a sense of calm to each other. Well, I would say you bring him calmness, and he lifts your spirits. There’s a lightheartedness to your soul you didn’t have when he first joined.”

Sloane nodded his agreement. “I wasn’t in a good place, but you know that.”

Winters’s gaze was sympathetic. “I do. It was a very difficult road for you, but you’ve come such a long way, opening yourself up to the healing process. You stopped believing you were incapable of finding happiness again. I’m very proud of the progress you’ve made, Sloane.”

“Thank you.” Sloane swallowed hard. It had been a difficult road, and there had been times when he’d stumbled. When everything looked bleak, and he was surrounded by pain. Dex had been his guiding light, helping him steer through the darkness to safe shores.

“How are you handling the current situation? Sergeant Maddock has been a father figure to you since you joined the THIRDS, and he’s your fiancé’s father.”

Sloane let out a heavy sigh. “It’s difficult, but I’m doing the best I can

for my team, and for Dex.” Just like Ash was doing his best for Cael. Between Dex and Ash, they didn’t allow Cael to get swept up in his anxiety, and Ash had managed to prevent Cael from having a bad panic attack like he’d had when Tony had been shot. “It’s been stressful for all of us, with all the changes, the wedding, and trying to bring Tony back home safe.”

“And how are you juggling your role as Team Leader, future Training Officer, and soon-to-be husband?”

“Right now, my focus is on doing everything I can to support my team and find our sergeant. Dex and I have had some time to get used to our dual roles over the years. Sure, this time it’s more of a challenge because I want to be there for him emotionally, but we both have a job to do, and we acknowledge that.”

“I’m glad to hear it. You seem to be handling the situation well.”

Sloane shrugged. “I have to. That’s my job as Team Leader. To be the touchstone for everyone on my team.”

“Lead by example,” Winters said, nodding.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance