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“Only because you were bigger.”

“And stronger,” Ash added.

“But you always make the same mistake.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

“Thinking you’d won before the fight was over.” Sloane grabbed Ash’s right foot, pulled it toward him, and jammed his elbow into the side of Ash’s knee.

“Son of a bitch!” Ash let go of Sloane’s neck, and Sloane rolled off him, landing next to Ash. They both lay on their backs, panting.

“I know you’re not leaving, but you’re not going to be with us. We’ve done everything together since we were kids. We’ve been on the same team since we joined the THIRDS, before you were a Team Leader.”

“Yeah, and you remember how weird that was at first? Me giving orders, and you following them?”

It had been a big transition for them. Ash had always been the one to look after Sloane, to advise him, lay some hard truths on him. Sloane had happily followed Ash in everything when they were kids, and suddenly, Sloane was the one leading, and Ash was the one following.

“I remember,” Ash muttered.

“But no matter what, you always had my back.”

“I still do.” Ash sat up, and Sloane followed suit. “Don’t get me wrong. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing, and I support that.” He averted his gaze, his lips pulled into a frown. “I’m proud of you. Not a lot of people would have the balls to do what you’re about to do. I just hate that everything has to change.” He motioned around them. “Look at this place. There’s going to be teams of agents in here looking to me for help. These guys are already at their lowest point, and Sparks thinks I can bring them back from that? I mean, Jesus, Sloane. Most people are offended just by my presence alone.”

Sloane stood with a chuckle. He held a hand out to Ash and helped him up. They climbed out of the ring and grabbed a couple of towels from the shelf. Sloane looked around at the new equipment, unused, pristine. Everything was stocked. Soon it would be full of life. It would also be full of pain, loss, and desperation. Taking a seat on the bench, Sloane looked up at Ash.

“Do you think Sparks made you Team Leader just because you said so? She made you Team Leader because she knows you’re ready, Ash. You’ve been ready for some time. You’re also not alone in this. You have Cael, me, Dex, the rest of our family to back you up. I know Dex and I won’t always be here, but that’s okay. I’m marrying your boyfriend’s brother, for crying out loud. There’s still going to be date nights and movie nights, dinner at Tony’s. Plus you’ll be plenty busy now that Cael’s moving in.”

Ash nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets before deciding to take a seat next to Sloane. The mix of concern, uncertainty, and fear in his best friend’s amber eyes squeezed at Sloane’s heart. Something was really bothering Ash, and it wasn’t just Sloane working for TIN.

“What is it?”

“I received my new security clearance last week, giving me access to the list of teams who are being considered for our training program. I started looking through them, and it scared the shit out of me.” Ash shook his head, and he let out a heavy sigh. “You have no idea, Sloane. Some of the fucked-up shit that’s happened to these guys…. No wonder their teams are broken. I’m not just talking about a loss within their team, a difficult case, or any of the messed-up stuff that we encounter out there. There are things that have happened to some of these agents that no one should have to go through.” Ash ran a hand over his face. “How am I supposed to get through to a Team Leader who watched his entire team get blown up right in front of him?” Tears welled in Ash’s eyes. “How do I help the agent whose partner was kidnapped, raped, and shot in the head, right in front of her?” Ash shook his head as he tried to keep it together. “We’ve dealt with a lot of shit, but nothing compared to what some of these agents have been through. Why would Sparks think I’m the right guy for this job? And what if we lose the Sarge? Jesus, Sloane, we’re going to end up on the same list, just as broken as the rest of these teams.”

Sloane stood and took hold of Ash’s face, forcing him to meet his gaze. “First of all, we’re not going to lose the Sarge. Second, we sure as hell are not going to end up broken. We’re a family, Ash. Whatever happens, we’re going to be there for one another and get through it together. As for the other agen

ts, no one says you have to hold anyone’s hand. Sparks knows you, knows how you handle things. Maybe your in-your-face, no-nonsense approach is what some of these agents need. If a softer touch is needed, you have Cael. If you need a gentle hand, you have Hobbs. Or if an ass-kicking is what someone needs, you have Letty. Rosa can patch them up afterwards and feed them.”

“If I want someone sniped, I have Cal,” Ash said, blinking back his tears. His wobbly smile and the mischief in his eyes made Sloane laugh.

“Exactly.” Sloane released him. “My point is, you’re not alone. You’re going to do great. I’m proud of you too. This is your chance to do for these agents what you did for me. You taught me that no matter how bad things get, that if I kept fighting, if I trusted in you, that we would make it through and things would get better. You never lied or gave me false hopes. You taught me there are no easy answers in life, no shortcuts. Because of you, I learned the real meaning of strength, loyalty, and family.”

Ash wrinkled his nose, tears welling in his eyes again. “Asshole.”

With a dopey grin, Sloane brought Ash into a hug, and Ash returned his embrace. Sloane was going to miss having Ash at his side like nothing else. As if reading his thoughts, Ash spoke up, his voice rough with emotion.

“Remember your promise. If you need backup, you fucking call me.”

Sloane squeezed Ash tight. “I promise.”

A round of applause startled them, and Sloane turned to find their family.

“Yeah, yeah,” Ash growled, wiping a tear from his eye. “Nothing to see here. Drop and give me twenty burpees.”

Calvin laughed, and when Ash joined in the laughter, the rest of the crew weren’t far behind. Sloane knew better. Ash’s humor vanished, and his expression turned hard.

“I’m not fucking kidding.”

“What?” Letty groaned.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance