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"Oh fuck, fucking fuck. Fuck!" Hudson cried out, his orgasm rushing out of him, and in turn his ass squeezed Seb's cock. Seb's release rolled through him like a tsunami, and he threw back his head, his eyes closed as a feral roar tore from his lips, his come coating the inside of Hudson's tight channel. Seb gripped Hudson to him as the tremors worked through his body before his muscles relaxed, and he was grateful for Hudson's weight on him. He might just float away otherwise.

Hudson snuggled close, his head on Seb's shoulder as he traced shapes on Seb's skin. He kissed Seb's jaw. "So... you were saying something about bottoming?"

Seb laughed. He kissed Hudson before he had to come up for breath.

"Maybe, when I can move again," Hudson said through a sated sigh. He was quiet for a moment before speaking up, his words almost a whisper. "I'm sorry it took me so long." He pulled away enough to cup Seb's face. "I thought I was doing what was best for us, but I was wrong. This is what's best. What's always been best for us. I love you so much, Sebastian."

Realization of what was happening finally sank in, and Seb ran a hand over Hudson's head, unable to believe the man was here, in his bed. He made to place his fingers to Hudson's chin and paused.

"Fuck, my hands are shaking," Seb said with a throaty laugh.

Hudson took his hand and brought it to his lips, then kissed each digit before placing Seb's hand to his cheek and humming.

"This is where I'm meant to be."

Seb brushed his lips over Hudson's. "Where you'll always be. Please."

"Always," Hudson promised, parting his lips for Seb's gentle kiss.

They moved down on the bed, and Seb reached into the nightstand for a couple of wipes. He dropped the lube in, cleaned them up, and tossed the little sheets onto the floor by the bed. He'd pick them up later.

Snuggling close behind Hudson, he placed a kiss behind Hudson's ear. "I love you, Lobito." He buried his face in Hudson's hair and inhaled his scent. Unable to get enough of his mate, of the feel of him, the smell of him, the taste of him, Seb planted a kiss on Hudson's shoulder and let his hand roam tenderly over Hudson's body. Hudson hummed his pleasure, a soft sigh escaping him. Long after Hudson drifted off to sleep, Seb lay awake. He was afraid of closing his eyes. What if he woke up to find this was all a wonderful dream?

As if sensing his fears, Hudson rolled over, cuddling up to Seb, his arm around Seb's waist. He nuzzled Seb's neck, lifting his face to place a kiss on Seb's chin. Hudson's words were quiet and laced with sleep when he spoke.

"Go to sleep, darling. I'm not going anywhere."

Seb closed his eyes. He kissed the top of

Hudson's head, a smile on his face, and for the first time in so very long, when he fell asleep, it was with Hudson in his arms and a heart overflowing with joy.

A BUZZING sound woke Seb up in the middle of the night. With a groan he sat up, then smiled down when he saw Hudson fast asleep, his pitch-black hair a sharp contrast to the white pillowcase, as was the bruising on his beautiful skin. Seb's jaw clenched, and he turned, searching for the source of the buzz. A cell phone sat on his nightstand, and he couldn't remember putting it there. He picked it up and found it was Hudson's. Seb was going to put it down when a preview of a text popped up on the screen. It was from Trent, and it was disgusting.

Seb would never intrude on anyone's privacy, much less Hudson's, but the vile words staring back at him were more than he could ignore. He tapped the security code into the phone's screen, his heart squeezing that Hudson hadn't changed it. It was still Seb's birthday.

The phone unlocked, and dozens of texts popped up, each one as hateful and threatening as the one before it. Seb read the texts calling Hudson a tainted piece of filth. A cocktease who tempted men with his ass only to deny them. He threatened to ruin Hudson if he told anyone about their date or what happened after, if he spoke up against him or his friends. Friends? Jesus. The texts went on and on, and the more Seb read, the more furious he became. Going into Hudson's contacts, he found Trent's number, along with his address.

Exiting the screen, he placed the phone back on the nightstand. He kissed Hudson's cheek, the back of his eyes stinging as he ran his fingers through Hudson's hair. How can someone say such vile things about this wonderful man? Trent had done more than spew hateful words. He'd dared to lay a hand on Hudson, and somehow involved his friends. Nausea hit Seb, and he closed his eyes, breathing slowly in through his nose and out through his mouth. It didn't take a genius to know what Trent had been insinuating. From Trent's anger-fueled texts and snippets of events, it was obvious Hudson had managed to escape somehow. Seb had promised he'd respect Hudson's decision, but Trent had just taken that choice away from them.

Hudson let out a soft sigh, but other than that didn't stir. His Lobito was exhausted, and not just from the sex. Seb placed a feathery kiss on Hudson's cheek.

"I'm sorry, baby. I love you."

Seb carefully got out of bed, his muscles tight, rage simmering under his skin, feeling as though he were on fire. He pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt, grabbed his black gloves and boots. Downstairs, he put on his black leather jacket. He grabbed his keys, wallet, and the crowbar sitting in the corner by the hall closet. He'd meant to put it away with the rest of his tools in the basement. Good thing he hadn't.

TWENTY MINUTES later, Seb stood at Trent's front door, his heart pounding in his ears and his grip firm on the crowbar. The entire car ride here, all Seb could think about was what Trent had done, or almost done. It wasn't bad enough he'd lured Hudson into a date with the intention of fucking him--because why would Hudson turn him down? He was tainted, after all--but he'd also invited friends along for a little gang bang.

The door opened, and Seb's lip curled in disgust at the man sporting his own bruises. At least Hudson had gotten in a few good hits, by the looks of it.


"Fuck." Trent tried to slam the door in Seb's face, but Seb kicked at it, sending it slamming into the guy. Trent reeled back, nearly falling on his ass. Seb let himself in, closed the door behind him, and made sure he locked it.

"You're not a very good listener, are you, Trent?"

Trent put up a hand in front of him as he backed away into the living room, Seb following him. "Let's talk about this."

"It's a little late for talking."

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance