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"I can't believe you're filming this," Seb said with a bashful laugh. He shook his head, his face somewhat flushed. A thumbs-up appeared in front of the camera, and Hudson smiled. Ethan. He held a hand out to Seb and made a "show me" motion.

"What if he says no?" Seb removed something from his pocket, and Hudson sank down onto the edge of the bed, his heart in his throat and his pulse soaring. It couldn't be....

Seb inhaled deeply through his nose and released the breath through his mouth. He looked straight at the camera, his green eyes sparkling and his smile forming creases at the corners of his eyes. He held out a black box and opened it.

Hudson covered his mouth to stifle his gasp.

"Lobito, by the time you see this, I really, really hope you've said yes. I hope you've said yes and made me the happiest guy in the world. I want you to always be at my side. Please be my husband."

The camera went shaky and was placed on the bed, capturing part of Ethan as he lunged at his brother to squeeze the life out of him. Seb laughed and returned his embrace. The video went on for several more seconds as the brothers hugged. There was some sniffling, and then Ethan smiled big into the camera and waved before turning it off.

Hudson stared down at the black screen and the tear that fell onto it. He wiped at his cheeks and then the screen before placing the camera in its case. Quickly he returned it to its bag and put the whole thing back where he'd found it. Had Seb watched it lately? Was that why the battery was fully charged? He hung up Seb's clothes, closed the closet door, then grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys. He hurried downstairs, turned off all the lights, and all but ran from the house after locking it behind him.

That's what Seb had wanted to talk to him about when he'd asked him to dinner. He was going to propose that evening. Hudson stopped, finding it difficult to breathe. He leaned against the iron railing in front of someone's garden. It took him a moment to realize he was out of breath because he'd been running. How far had he gone? It didn't matter. He needed to walk, to clear his mind.

For hours he wandered around the city, lost in thought. He went to the park, sat, and people-watched. It soothed him, sitting quietly, watching the city he lived in and loved go about its business. It reminded him of London in some ways. Always bustling, people walking with purpose while others lounged in parks, tourists strolling, the sound of traffic, of life. It felt like a lifetime ago that he'd moved here, but really it had only been roughly ten years or so. The longer he sat, the cooler the day became. He had no idea what time it was, only that he was no closer to sorting his thoughts than he had been when he left Seb's house. Seb....

Their bond should make them stronger, not weaker. Mrs. Palmer believed marked mates shouldn't be in law enforcement, much less on the same team. She made a good point. Protecting their mates was a fierce pull, and fighting that pull went against their nature. It was challenging, but not impossible. Hudson gasped, realizing the answer was right in front of him. Mrs. Palmer was wrong. Bonded mates could successfully work together. Hudson witnessed it every time he went out in the field with Destructive Delta. Dex, that cheesy-doodle-crunching nut, proved Mrs. Palmer wrong.

Dex and Sloane's relationship was far from perfect, and they'd fallen along the way, but they showed that marked mates could not only protect each other, but those around them. When it came to protecting Dex, Sloane was fierce and terrifying, yet he believed in his mate's capabilities. He trusted Dex to not only remain safe, but to do his duty. They worked together as a team and part of a team. They built each other up, leaned on one another, teaching, learning. Dex and Sloane were the reason the fraternization rule had been amended. They'd proved love wasn't a weakness, but a strength.

Hudson stood with a smile. Trust Dex to give him hope without even being there.


It was a start.

THE HOUSE was empty.

Seb hadn't expected Hudson to be home when he arrived, and he chastised himself for feeling disappointed. He walked around, the sense of loss palpable. His laundry had been folded and put away, which was very sweet of Hudson to do. There was no reason for him to stay. Seb had taken care of Hudson because he'd wanted to, not because he expected anything in return, and he certainly didn't want Hudson staying out of guilt or a sense of duty. It was better this way. No false hopes. Waking up to Hudson in his bed, having the man in his arms, their bodies pressed together, had been a blessing, and he would cherish that memory, but it was time to stop wishing for something that would never be. Seb had meant what he'd said. He would always be there for Hudson, no matter what they were to each other. Hudson's absence made it clear they were only friends. Seb would learn to live with that.

After a shower, he made some dinner, then sat down to watch TV. He was mindlessly flicking through channels, lost in thought, when a knock startled him. He turned off the TV, went to the door, and was stunned to find Hudson there.

Seb swallowed hard. His instincts screamed at him to pull Hudson into his arms, but he remained motionless, waiting for Hudson to say what he obviously came to say. His face was flushed, his eyes red-rimmed, and his hair a mess, chest rising and falling with rapid breaths as if he'd been running.

"I would very much like to come home, Sebastian."


"If you'll have me." Hudson's face crumpled. "Please. I want to come home."

Seb crossed the threshold and scooped him up, then carried him inside before kicking the door closed behind him. Hudson buried his head against Seb's neck, his skin cold to the touch. How long had Hudson been outside without a jacket? Seb carried him upstairs into the bedroom and placed him gently on his feet.

"I can't... anymore," Hudson said quietly.

"Can't what, Lobito?"

"That," Hudson said with a sniff. He placed a hand to Seb's cheek, his blue eyes pleading. "I can't--I'm tired of living my life for someone else, for something I can't change. I'm tired of pretending I'm okay, of waking up without you by

my side. I don't want to be without you anymore. I never, ever want to leave your side again. I know I've been a complete arsehole, and I was wrong, so wrong. Please say you'll keep me?"

Hudson shivered, and Seb covered Hudson's hands with his own, cursing under his breath. "You're freezing. Why the hell didn't you take a jacket?"

"Sebastian, please." Hudson was waiting for his reply.

"Of course I'll keep you. It's all I ever wanted. I--"

Hudson kissed him, the taste of him exploding through Seb's mouth, sending a tremor through him. He wrapped his arms around Hudson and brought Hudson up against him, intent on bringing his lover warmth. His mate wanted to come home. Seb could hardly believe it. After all this time, his sweet Lobito was coming home to him for good. It wasn't his words that told Seb as much--it was his body, his mouth, the way he clung to Seb. The wall was gone. Before him, Hudson stood, yearning to be taken care of, thrumming with vulnerability, his soul bare to Seb. Hudson shivered, and Seb reluctantly pulled back.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance