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"He gave me his word."

Dom nodded. He released a heavy sigh. "Okay. You know if you need anything, all you have to do is ask."

Hudson smiled warmly. "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

Dom wasn't happy with Hudson's decision, but he accepted it. Most likely because he knew Hudson was right. If Hudson told Seb, there would be no stopping Seb. When it came to Hudson's safety, Seb listened to no one, not even Hudson. It had been the source of many an argument between them. Hudson didn't need codling. He could take care of himself. Granted, he hadn't done a very good job of it last night, but he'd made a mistake, one he'd have to live with. Having Seb be there for him instead of rushing off to avenge him was what Hudson needed, wanted. What he'd always needed.

Seb came downstairs, looking handsome as always, his hair wet and roguishly tousled. The man was breathtaking, and all he had on was a faded green T-shirt, the fabric pulling over his biceps and chest as he moved, while his jeans hugged his powerful legs and tantalizing arse. He had on his heavy biker boots, and he grabbed the beat-up leather jacket from the hook by the front door and slipped into it with ease and grace. Hudson stood in the kitchen, mesmerized by Seb's muscular frame as he moved around the house. Seb grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and frowned.

"Shit, I forgot to empty the dryer."

"I can do it," Hudson offered as he came around the counter and stepped up beside him.

"It can wait until I get home." Seb shrugged and smiled. "Don't worry about it."

"It's fine, Sebastian. Honestly. I don't mind." Hudson reached up absently and straightened the collar of Seb's jacket.

"Okay. Thank you." Seb made to lean in, then caught himself. He cleared his throat and pulled back nonchalantly, motioning toward the door. "I'll, um, talk to you later. Just maybe leave me a note or send me a text if you go, so I know you're okay."

Hudson nodded. He followed Seb to the front door, and Dom opened it for them.

"Have a good day at work," Hudson told them, standing in the doorway as Seb headed down the steps. He took hold of Dom's arm before he could get far. Dom turned, his brows furrowed in silent question. "Keep him safe, please."

Dom's smile reached his warm hazel eyes. "Always, Doc."

Hudson had turned to go inside, when he spotted Seb's wallet on the small table by the door. Bollocks. He snatched it and rushed out the door.


Seb strode back from around his truck and hurried over. "Everything okay?"

Hudson held out his wallet to him, his smile wide. "You might need this."

"I think you might be right." Seb took it with a chuckle and pushed it into the back pocket of his jeans. "Thanks."

Hudson couldn't stop from tugging at the ends of Seb's jacket. "Take care out there."

"I will," Seb promised, his voice low and husky. "You should get inside. You're barefoot."

A sudden sense of possessiveness washed over Hudson, and he closed his fingers around Seb's sleeves, holding him there. He wanted Seb to stay. It was ridiculous, and he had no idea where the urge had come from. Hudson couldn't explain it. His thoughts were jumbled, and his pulse was erratic. His inn

er wolf stirred awake and whined. It wanted Seb here with him. Hudson flinched at the pull from his Therian half.


Hudson quickly released Seb. He stood on his toes and kissed Seb's cheek before turning and heading back into the house. He was breathless by the time he closed the door. Once it was locked, he slumped against it. The engine of Seb's truck roared to life, and a heartbeat later it pulled away. Hudson remained where he was until he was certain Seb was gone.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Hudson groused. He pushed away from the door, irritated. Had he actually kissed Sebastian Hobbs on the cheek and then run off? What was he, some chaste preteen at a school social? "I must be losing my bloody mind." He had to get it together before he truly lost it. "Trousers would be a start," he muttered. It would be best if he found something to wear and went home. Staying here was not a good idea. First, he would get Seb's clothes out of the dryer like he'd promised.

Past the kitchen, tucked away in a cupboard was the washer and tumble dryer, same as it had been. An empty basket sat on top of the washing machine, and Hudson began to move dry clothes into it. Once all the clothes were out, he carried the full basket upstairs, then placed it on the bed. He could hardly leave it there. It wasn't as if he were in any particular hurry, and Seb would likely have enough to do when he came home after a long day. Hudson picked up a pair of Seb's socks and hesitated. Would Seb be bothered by Hudson putting his clothes away? It would mean opening drawers and hanging items up in the closet. Perhaps he shouldn't. Then again, this was Seb. If he were to get upset at all, it would be due to Hudson troubling himself. As if putting a little laundry away was any trouble.

With that settled, Hudson busied himself removing items from the basket, folding them, and neatly putting them away. Everything was exactly where it had been years ago. Curious, Hudson opened the bottom drawer, and a lump formed in his throat. It still contained the clothes he'd left behind. A pair of jeans, tracksuit bottoms, black trousers, a couple of T-shirts, a shirt, jumper, and zip-up cardigan. The drawer above it had also been Hudson's, and he was surprised to find it lay empty. Hudson closed the empty drawer, then removed the jeans, shirt, and cardigan from the bottom drawer. He changed clothes, borrowed a pair of Seb's clean socks, and found his shoes by the bed. Once dressed, he folded up the pajamas and returned them to the bottom drawer.

As he put away Seb's socks and boxers, a sense of intimacy washed over him, and he stilled. What was he doing? He needed to finish up and leave. This was no longer his home, and he would be foolish to give in to the nostalgia. He couldn't get swept away in the emotions this place stirred up. There would be no curling up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and hot cup of tea to watch telly until dinnertime. No welcoming Seb home with a kiss, no cuddling or teasing or Seb absently running his fingers through Hudson's hair as they lay on the couch together. No falling asleep in Seb's warm embrace.

Two shirts and a pair of slacks needed to be hung, so Hudson went to the closet to find hangers. After opening the right door, he glanced up and stared at the black bag. It was Seb's camera bag. It struck him then that what he'd believed was the lack of his belongings strewn about the place that made it look different, was actually the lack of photographs. When Hudson had lived here, the house had been filled with framed photos of them, their friends, and family. Seb loved taking photos, loved capturing life's little moments. He was also very talented, something few expected from the huge tiger Therian Defense agent. Seb had a keen eye for detail, as reflected in the snapshots he captured. Hudson had gifted him a camera when they'd been together. Seb had been hesitant to accept, due to how expensive it was, but Hudson had convinced him.

It saddened Hudson to think Seb had stopped taking photographs. He'd loved it. The camera bag sat on the shelf, and Hudson carefully took it down. He walked over to the bed with it and removed the camera from its case. It looked new, but then Seb had always been exceptionally careful with it. All the lenses were neatly and securely tucked in their cases. It was digital with high definition video capability. Hudson turned on the camera, and a gasp caught in his throat at the timestamp of the video, the very last moment captured by Seb. It was the morning of the shooting. Hudson's hand shook as his finger hovered over the Playback button. Unable to stop himself, he pressed Play, and his chest tightened at the glorious smile on Seb's face. Someone else was filming.

Tags: Charlie Cochet THIRDS Romance